Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
"Test Day"
400 meter run for time
rest 2-3 minutes
100 pull-ups for time (do not exceed 5 minutes, once you hit the 5 minute mark stop and record number of reps)
rest 2-3 minutes
100 ab mat sit-ups for time (do not exceed 5 minutes, once you hit the 5 minute mark stop and record number of reps)
rest 2-3 minutes
500 meter row for time
rest 2-3 minutes
100 push-ups (do not exceed 5 minutes, once you hit the 5 minute mark stop and record number of reps)
See you guys next week and have great weekend.MP
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
5 rounds of 5 reps (2-3 minute rest between rounds)
Heaving Snatch Balance
Start with a barbell racked across the back of the shoulders as it would be for a back squat with hands in a Snatch grip. Start with your feet in the catch or landing position. Dip as you would for a Jerk and drive yourself into the bottom of an Overhead Squat, catching with arms locked. Video demo courtesy of Aimee Anaya is here:
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
For Time:
3 Rounds
Row for calories
Jumping Squats (45lb bar men/35lb bar women) Place bar on traps, execute a full squat, explode out of the squat, feet must come off the ground.
*Note: Find your Max for the box jump. No step is allowed, and feet must leave the ground only one time. Once you find your max box jump substract it from your height. That number equals the reps/calories per round. Example Height 68 inches, Box Jump 30 inches = 38 reps/calories per movement.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
"This is gonna hurt"
5 rounds
1 minute each round Squat thrust
1 minute each round Wall-ball
1 minute each round KBell swings (53lbs men/35lbs women)
1 minute rest between rounds
Score=total reps
Squat thrust is simply a burpee with no push-up, no jump, and no clapping of the hands overhead. In others words, get down in the push-up position and get up as fast as you can.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Power Clean (as heavy as possible)
Finish with on the minute every minute with
5 Pull-ups (First five minutes)
5 Ring dips (Last five minutes)
So each minute do 5 pullups and rest the remainder of the minute, repeat the same with the ring dips. If this is to easy just up the reps. Hopefully, that's as clear as mud.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
"Turkey Trot"
Tabata sprints
Tabata backward sprints
Tabata left carioca
Tabata right carioca
The link shows a video of how to do the carioca.
This workout is for total distance covered for all 4 movements. Tabata=8 rounds of 20 work 10 seconds of rest.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
For time:
5 Rounds
10 Box jump 24 inch box
10 Jumping pull-ups
10 Kettlebell swings 1 pood
10 Walking Lunge
10 Knees to elbows
10 Push press 45 pounds
10 Back extensions or Good mornings w/45lb bar
10 Wall ball shots 20 pound ball
10 Burpees
10 Double unders
Once your done you can have the weekend off.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Front squat
5 sets of 5 reps (go as heavy as possible each set)
Note: Christal the best article I could find with regards to CF and pregnancy is located here
I hope this helps and congratulations.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Early polls show that the "Hound" is taking it to the "Wabbitt" and does not appear to be willing to "spread the wealth". I say good on him, we don't need no stinking socialist at ECCF. Show no mercy "Hound" and check her birth certificate while your at it.
05 Nov 08
Hang Snatch
3 rounds of 3 reps as heavy as possible
Followed by 3 minutes of rest
Finish with the following:
3 x 400 meter sprints (rest 2 minutes between sprints)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Showing Sarah the Ropes
These guys have started buddying around together - chasing deer, knocking on the neighbors doors for treats, digging for moles, and securing the sofa...nothing productive but at least they are becoming friends.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Nov 3 2008 Monday - WOD
Michael hard at work on his weekend "Honey-Do" list. Next weekend, I'll hide the sofa...
Nov 3rd
For Time:
100 L-Sit Pullups
Any hand placement is acceptable. Tips: remove your shoes, bands are allowed
By the way, Michael is on the road - he relayed the WOD to post for him. And no, I'm not "expecting". Although he says he is Ranger and Special Forces qualified, I think I may have to verify his records since he doesn't seem to be virile...vile maybe...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Old Lady Helen
3 rounds for time
400 meter run
21 Swings
12 pullups
I have to go out of town friday, so I did this WOD today and hit 8:36. There have been some strong perfomances this week and it looks like "TomJohn" is taking care of Team 6 really well. Next week will be a little wacky, but it should be fun and shake things up a little bit. So tune in Sunday..... I'm comming home to see 'moma' this weekend "WooHoo", but I'm afraid the honey do list will be to large for me to make it out to ECCF. Hopefully, I'll be able to drop in sometime this month and I'll let you know when I'm heading your way. Have great weekend. MP
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
"Keep the Wealth" with those who EARNED it.
The opportunities for success in the country are unlimited. That opportunity is why this country has succeeded --that opportunity is one of the things that makes this country so great. The opportunity to come here with nothing and make millions inspires many to start businesses and develop new technologies. It is all up to you--your imagination, dedication, drive, etc. Now some guy comes in and says "Spread the Wealth" and so many people just don't understand what that means. There are some very savvy business minds that make what I consider to be obscene amounts of money (think Bill Gates)...BUT they EARNED that money and I do NOT HAVE A RIGHT to what they earned - nor does anyone else. By increasing taxes on someone that made sacrifices and worked hard to EARN their money and then turning around and giving a tax break (in the form of a welfare check) to those that don't even pay taxes, the American opportunity is essentially being wiped out. What would inspire these savvy business minds to work hard and sacrifice when their earnings are being given to those that don't. IF YOU DIDN'T EARN IT, YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO IT!!! Get over it.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
For Time:
800 meter run
25 x Swings
25 x Air squats
25 x Pull-ups
25 x Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75lbs men/55lbs women)
25 x Push Press (75lbs men/55lbs women)
25 x Front Squats (75lbs men/55lbs women)
25 x Tire Jumps 20inch
25 x Burpees
5 x Muscle ups (substitute 5 pullups/ring dips to 1 muscle up or 25 pullups and 25 ring dips)
800 meter run
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
"The Hound"
For Time:
45 Thrusters (weight=75% of bodyweight)
Rules for the WOD:
1. Squat racks are not allowed.
2. Once the weight comes off the ground it will be considered a foul everytime the weight touches the floor.
3. This is an individual event, so no help from your teammates to get the weight off the floor.
4. Every foul will require 10 pullups before you are allowed to continue.
5. If you must modify the weight, indicate it when you post your score.
"Wabbitt" I'm not sure but I believe that's "The Hound" I hear a baying, so come up with a smart plan.
Great job everybody, I ended up completing it in 12:39 (135lbs bw 168/80 pull-ups)
Monday, October 20, 2008
1,1,1,1,1 (get progressively heavier with each set and take 2-3 minutes between sets)
Finish with Core work:
3 rounds
10 Toe in the rings
15 Rockers
Welcome back Jess, from your scores it looks like you have healed up well. Hound, I hope you smoked the "Wabbitt" with Mondays workout, it definitely played to your strengths. Wed will require a smart strategy, so you'll have another opportunity to outsmart that wiley Wabbitt.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
For time:
6 Rounds
Row for 25 calories
25 Wall ball shots
For all those who have posted comments over the last couple of days, it is good to hear from you. I hope you all are doing well, I'm still getting settled in, but I have found a great place to train at Clarksville Crossfit. I'll try to post my time before 1200 EST.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
17 OCT 08
For Time:
21 Thrusters (Men-95lbs, Women-65lbs)
21 Pullups
21 Cleans (Men-135lbs, Women 85lbs)
21 Ring Dips
21 Deadlifts (Men-225lbs, Women-155lbs)
21 Handstand Pushups
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Snatch Grip Deadlift
5 sets of 3 reps ( get progressively heavier with each set)
Followed by:
25 med ball foot throws (men 25lbs/women 15lbs) for time:
Med ball foot throws=put ball between feet and flip the ball to chest level to catch (grasp the ball with feet and jump as if trying to touch your chest with your knees)
I'm sure that's clear as mudd, so if you have any questions, just post them to comments.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Hang Snatch
5 sets of 3 reps (go as heavy as good form will allow)
Core Work
4 Rounds
10 Wind shield wipers from the rings (substitute is the same but conducted on the floor)
15 Med ball throw situps
The following is a special request for the "Space Monkey" only, all others should tread lightly.
"The Wabbit"
400 meter run
25 Deadlift (225lbs)
25 Wall Ball
25 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95lbs)
25 Push Press (95lbs)
25 Pull-ups
25 Push ups
25 Buprees
25 Box Jumps
400 meter run
WOD is to done with 20lb weighted vest (vest will be supplied)
Sarah Proofing
Miss Sarah has way too much energy. She takes off running through the kitchen towards the dog door, changes her mind and applies "brakes" trying to stop ...leaving nail gouges in the new kitchen floor. She like to run around and around the kitchen slipping and sliding and skidding ...leaving nail gouges in the new kitchen floor. The new kitchen floor already looks like it has had years of abuse. So, I broke down and Sarah-proofed the floor. It is a mismash of area rugs, throw rugs and runners that don't even come close to matching and it is going to be a pain to clean --but the floor is protected. Maybe, just maybe she will calm down and I can go back to a nice runner that matches the kitchen. Maybe.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I Don't Understand Why You Keep Putting Me Outside
Meet Miss Sarah (as in Sarah Palin and the whole lipstick on a pit bull thing). She is the newest member of our household...maybe. I found her and her buddy at a service station on a busy road dragging chains behind them. What can I say - I'm a sucker so I loaded up both of them and brought them home. One night was all it took for me to realize there was just no way I could keep both...even for one more night. So we decided to try and make Miss Sarah a part of the family. She is probably about 6-8 months old and full of energy. She gets in trouble for: chasing Cessie, barking in the house, jumping up on us (and everyone she sees), leaping from chair to sofa and back again without her feet ever touching the floor, putting her paws on the counter to see what is up there, sniffing at the garbage can and eating out of Pete or Cessie's food bowl. Her worst trait is food aggression. Food aggression is not tolerated in this household. We are working on it but until I think it is "conquered", she will not be allowed to be alone with Cessie. I'm not that worried about her being alone with Pete - he will very calmly put her in her place. Not sure how he does it but he is like that with all the neighborhood dogs - they just know he's the boss although I've never seen him be ugly with them. But this isn't about Pete, it is about Miss Sarah. Wish the best for her - if she doesn't shape up, she's shipping out. I hope she shapes up - she is the sweetest, most cuddly lapdog you have ever seen. She just loves to cuddle.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Go in sequence and complete 6 reps per movement. You have 20 minutes to go through the sequence and your score will be the last movement you complete in under 20 minutes. Weights for barbell = 95 (M)/55(W), kbell 53(M)/35(W), Dbell 35(M)/20(W) that being said scale as appropriate. During warm-up I will take you thru the movements that are unfamiliar and give substitutes.
1 Air Squat 23. Box Jump 45 Dumbbell Push Press
2 Front Squat 24 Lunge 46 Dumbbell Push Jerks
3 OverHead Squat 25Walking Lunge 47 Dumbbell Split Jerks
4 Back Squat 26 Jumping Spit lunges 48Dumbbell Thrusters
5 Press 27 Slam Ball 49Push Press Wall Ball to 10 ½ feet
6 Push Press 28Broad Jump Slam Ball 50Wall Ball
7 Push Jerk 29Jumping Pull ups 51Double Unders
8 Split Jerk 30Pullups to the Chest 52Shuttle run
9. Thrusters 31Clapping Pull up 53 Squat Thrust
10 Deadlift 32L-sit Pull ups 54 Burppees
11. Sumo Deadlift High Pull 33Pull ups 55Burpee With Pull-up
12. Power Clean 34Rope Climb 56Box Jump Burpees
13. Clean 35 Sit ups 57 Broad Jump Burpees
14. Hang Squat Clean 36 Rockers 58 Lateral Burpees
15. Power Snatch 37Knee to Elbow 59Double Leg Mountain Climbers
16. Snatch 38 Glute Ham Sit ups 60Dot Drill
17. Hang Snatch 39Back Extension 61Push Up
18One arm swing w/kbell 40 Dumbbell Deadlift 62Clapping Push ups
19. Kbell Swing (2 hands) 41 Dumbbell Clean 63 Hand stand push ups
20. Kbell Snatch (alt arms) 42 dbell Snatch (alt arms) 64Ring Dips
21. Kbell Clean (alt arms) 43Dumbbell Split Clean 65 Jumping Ring Dips
22. Kbell Jerk (alt arms) 44 Dbell Split Snatch (alt arms) 66 Parallel Bar Dips
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008
15-19 September 08
All recommended weights are simply that recommendations, scale as appropriate.
15 September 08
For Time:
3 Rounds of 21, 15, and 9
Deadlift (225 Men/155 Women) scale as appropriate
16 September 08
Find your max for handstand pushups
Find your 15 rep max for thrusters (goal 75% of bodyweight)
17 September 08
5 Rounds
200 meter run or 250 row
15 Burpees
18 September 08
Find your max (consecutive reps) for pull-ups
Run 5K for time
19 September 08
5 Rounds
400 meter run
20 Wall-Ball shots
20 Kettlebell Swings
Sunday, September 7, 2008
08 September 08
3 Rounds
400 meter run
21 Burpees
12 Pull-ups
09 September 08
Run 5K for time
10 September 08
5 Rounds of 25 reps per movement
Broad Jumps (6 feet per jump)
Thruster (with odd object ie., rock)
11 September 08
30 Handstand Push-ups (take as long as needed and work on technique)
Finish with 3 runs of 800 meters (rest 3 minutes between each 800)
12 September 08
3 Rounds 1 minute per movement/ with 1 minute rest between rounds
Jumping Split lunges
Clapping Push-ups
Air Squats
08-12 September 08
All recommended weights are simply that recommendations, scale as appropriate.
08 September 08
Slamin’ Helen
3 Rounds
400 meter run
21 Slam Ball
12 Pull-ups
09 September 08
Overhead Squat 5 sets of 5 reps with 75% of bodyweight
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Finish with 2000 meter row for time
10 September 08
5 Rounds of 12 reps per movement
Box Jumps
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
11 September 08
Squat Clean 5 sets of 5 reps with weight = to bodyweight
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Finish with 3 runs of 800 meters (rest 3 minutes between each 800)
12 September 08
2 Rounds 1 minute per movement/ with 1 minute rest between rounds
Jumping Ring Dips
Row (for calories)
Hang Power Cleans
Air Squats
Sunday, August 31, 2008
01-05 September 08
All recommended weights are simply that recommendations, scale as appropriate.
01 September 08
For Time:
4 Rounds
400 meter run
50 squats
Warm-up: Samson Stretch, Pull-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups
02 September 08
Deadlift: 5 rounds of 5 reps
Rest 2 to 3 minutes between rounds and attempt to go as heavy as possible.
Finish with Core circuit
5 rounds of:
10 Med Ball throw sit-ups (find a partner and use a 10 lb ball)
10 Knee to Elbows
03 September 08
3 Rounds for time:
21 X Thrusters (95 pounds men/65 pounds women)
21 X Back Squats (95 pounds men/65 pounds women)
21 X Pull-ups
04 September 08
Power Snatch
3 rounds of 3 reps
Rest 2 to 3 minutes between rounds and attempt to go as heavy as possible.
2 rounds of
Run 1 mile
Rest between each round half the time it takes you to complete the mile.
05 September 08
5 rounds for time of:
20 Slam Balls
15 Ring Dips
5 Dead Lifts (225 for men/ 135 for women)
Sunday, August 24, 2008

25-29 August
All recommended weights are simply that recommendations, scale as appropriate.
25 August 08
For Time:
400 meter run
21 Overhead Squats (75% of bodyweight)
21 Pull-ups
400 meter run
15 Overhead Squats (75% of bodyweight)
15 Pull-ups
400 meter run
9 Overhead Squats (75% of bodyweight)
9 Pull-ups
Recommended warm-up: 3 rounds X 400 meter jog, Burgener Warm-up with PVC (3 reps per movement) , push-ups (no more than 25 reps), and glute-ham sit-ups (no more than 25 reps).
26 August 08
Find your max for each of the following movements:
Front Squat
Shoulder Press
Weighted Ring Dips or Weighted Push-ups (have partner place weight on your back)
27 August 08
3 Rounds of 1 minute per movement, each rep will count as one point,
Push Press (50% of Body Weight)
Box Jumps
Knee to Elbows
Slam Ball
Rope Climbs/Pull-ups (5=1 rope climb)
Recommended warm-up: 3 X 500 meter row, Swings (No more than 15 reps), L-Sit Pull-ups (If you can’t complete more than 5 reps, then practice L-sits on the parallettes).
28 August 08
Power Clean Max
5000 meter Row for time
29 August 08
For time
800 meter run followed by:
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Handstand Push-ups and Dumbbell Squat Cleans (The combined weight of the two dumbbells should equal 40% of your body weight)
800 meter run
Recommended warm-up: 3 X 400 meter jog, Burgener Warm-up with PVC (3 reps per movement) , pull-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sweet Marguerite, It's Alive!
I planted a few of the Sweet Potato Vines this Spring. Apparently, they really like this spot as they have taken over this bed and have spilled out onto the lawn. Each time we mow they get hacked off but by the next mowing they have grown even further. There are several shrubs and perennials underneath this mess and I have to the cut the vine back around them as well. I probably should just go ahead and do a severe trim but I'm kinda curiuos to see how far they'll go before season ends...we still have a couple of months to go.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Best Laundromat Ever!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
First Supper
It finally happened! I was able to use my stove for the first time. The gas company came out to run the gas line over a month ago but didn't have the part to convert the stove to LP gas. They would have to order the part and come back. A month later it was still on backorder. I didn't push the issue then because we couldn't get into the kitchen anyway due to the floor situation. But when I realized the floor drama was coming to an end, I decided to go online and order it myself. Three days later (and $50 cheaper) it was on my doorstep so I called the guys back to hook up the stove. Calzone isn't quite what I expected to be cooking for the inaugural meal but it was quick and didn't require a lot of dishes. When we moved here, all of the kitchen items were taken straight to the attic since we were renovating the kitchen --with the exception of one skillet, one pot, a good cutting knife, and a couple of place settings. We'll probably unload the attic this weekend but until then dinner is gonna be quick, simple and on disposable foil platters like this one.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Band Profile
Finally got all of the doors and windows trimmed out so things are starting to look finished now. The rest of the house has 1x4's with backband so this is what I'm doing in the kitchen. Of course, I ran into a problem. I can't find the backband. The stuff I found at the big box hardware stores, and the local hardware store, fits around standard door casing that is only 11/32 - not 3/4" leaving a gap between the back of the backband and the wall. Too large of a gap to caulk. Found a millwork place in Raleigh that carried it. They didn't have any in stock but they did have something so similar, "You wouldn't notice the difference". I drive an hour to Raleigh and it's different. Not so much that you would notice it, but different enough that it won't fit without cutting it. The sales guy tells me it's made for 7/8 so you MIGHT have to run it through a table saw and cut it down. Now why didn't he tell me that before I drove an hour (two roundtrip) - how did he know I had a table saw...what if I didn't...jerk. Anyway, it is much nicer than the other stuff and I did drive all that way...guess I'll get it. Here's the profile of the backband -pretty substantial.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Spot Free Shine!
The floor is finally finished (this was a two-month project). We ended up having to call a different flooring contractor to finish the floor. The first one refinished it several times but each time the spots reappeared. He was as frustrated as we were and agreed that we should call someone else because it just wasn't working out for him. Nice guy - I felt bad for him. So, the new guy finished the floor while we were in Florida. Apparently, there was a communication problem and the stain color turned out much lighter than I would have liked. But there is nothing I can do about it (the floor has now been sanded 5 times which is pretty much the life of hardwood flooring) so I'll just have to live with it. It's still nice - just not the dark color I planned on. It's growing on me. But hey - NO SPOTS! Yeahhhh!!! And I can finally get into the kitchen!
Cousin' Bubba

Here is Pete and his "cousin" Bubba (Michael's Dad's dog). These two could almost be twins and they have the best time hanging out together. Pete loves going to visit Papa Richard and lives for going for walks with him and Bubba. We all had a great time in Florida but it's always nice to be home...although Pete is still looking for the chocolate chip cookies Papa Richard hands out.
Back Seat Driving

We went to Florida to visit family this past week. It's a long drive and this is how the pups pass the time. We stop every two hours or so to let these guys run around outside and sniff stuff. Occasionally, Cessie gets restless (you'd never know she is twelve) and has to come up front and hang out:

Hail Storm
Sunday, August 17, 2008

For time and complete WOD in the following manner: Alternate movements and complete no more than 10 reps with either movement.
100 Thrusters (95 lbs men and 65 lbs women)
100 Pull-ups
19 August 08
Find your max for the
Clean and Jerk
Finish with 100 rockers
20 August 08
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
10 Side Hop Burpees (Draw two lines16 inches apart, start on the outside of the left line and complete a burpee with a jump to the other side of the right line.)
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75 lbs men and 55 lbs women)
21 August 08
Row 1000 meters for time
Rest (should equal the time it took to complete 1000 meters)
Run 1 mile for time
Finish with 25 knee to elbows and 25 glute ham sit-ups
22 August 08
For time
21 Deadlifts (Bodyweight)
50 push-ups
21 Deadlifts
50 pull-ups
21 Deadlifts
50 Wall-balls
Thursday, August 7, 2008

3 rounds for time
400 meter run
25 Wall-ball shots
15 Pull-ups
12 August 08
CrossFit Total
Find your max for the following:
Overhead shoulder press
Back Squat
13 August 08
Complete the following for time:
Row 1000 meters
50 Thrusters (45lbs Men and 35lbs Women)
30 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters
14 August 08
Skill development
Practice rope climbing with no more than 15 trips
100 double-unders for time
15 August 08
WOD "Fight Gone Bad"
3 rounds of the following 5 movements for one minute
Row for calories
Sumo deadlift high pulls
Box Jumps
Monday, August 4, 2008
A Turning Point...
This is evidence of something truly amazing. No, it's not that Cessie is eating a Milkbone that is amazing --it is the fact that I didn't give it to her. My neighbor did. Anyone that knows Cessie realizes how remarkable this is. Cessie will not go near strangers at all --even if they offer food and especially if we are not around. It takes multiple visits from friends and family (and lots of patience) before she will trust them. Again, we have been blessed with great neighbors that treat our dogs like theirs and Cessie feels comfortable enough to head over there when the treats are being handed out so she doesn't miss out. They have four dogs; a chow mix and a beagle mix that Pete hangs out with and two Pomeranians that Cessie hangs out with (Gizmo is her boyfriend -she thinks we don't notice).
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Team 6 Training Schedule
Week 04 – 08 August 08
04 August 08
“Sock Hop”
4 Rounds for time:
1 Round equals the following
100 meter “Sock Hop” Shuttle followed by
5 rounds of the following
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
05 August 08
Find your 15 rep max for the thruster (front squat/push press combo)
Core circuit
5 rounds
10 knee to elbow
10 V ups
06 August 08
3 Rounds for time
400 meter run
15 cleans (Men 95 lbs/Women 65 lbs)
25 Jumping Ring Dips
07 August 08
10K Row or 10K run
08 August 08
Programming will be in the hands of amateurs - everyone who shows up will get to choose a movement and a WOD will be developed from those movements.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Droor Flama
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
One Person's Trash...
This is a great, really! My friend, Sylvia, found it on the side of the road waiting for the trash man and knew it would be perfect in my new kitchen. It is a counter-height stool so it is the correct height for my island. I took it apart, lightly sanded, stained the exposed wood and coated with polyurethane. I also recovered the cushion - obviously. I have a few more coats of poly to go before I can put back together and repost a pic. Now I just have to find a "matching" chair. Sylvia, hit the dumpsters!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Polka Dotted Floor?
Well, here is what the kitchen floor looks like. See the spots? They appeared in the last coat of polyurethane. The flooring finishers came back and added another coat of poly in an attempt to cover the spots but it didn't work. So they came back and added another coat. The top coat was satin so after 3 coats of satin, the floor just looked dull and the spots were still visible (though not as bad as before the additional two coats). Next the finishers came back and sanded the floor back down to bare wood and started over. The stain worked out fine but the first coat of poly....we're seeing spots again. The last couple of weeks have been very frustrating - we've waited so long to have a functioning kitchen and now we can't go in there while the floor is being finished (and refinished). And to make matters worse, I have to leave the house during the day after they apply the finish to try to keep the dust down and because the fumes are overwhelming. Let's count the number of times I've had to leave the house: 1)first coat of stain 2)2nd coat of poly 3)third coat of poly 4)4th coat of poly 5)fifth coat of poly. Resand and start over 6) first coat of stain 7)1st coat of poly 8) 2nd coat of poly. The eighth time was today. The flooring contractor came out of the kitchen shaking his head--that can't be good. More spots and he doesn't have a clue why. The only thing he knows for sure is that he will have to sand down to bare wood...AGAIN...and start over...AGAIN. Great.
Team 6 Training Schedule

Team 6 Training Schedule
28 July 2008
3 Rounds for time
400 meter run
Squat Thrust (Burpee without the push-up or jump and clap)
Pull-ups and Squat Thrust will descend in reps per round i.e. 21, 15, 9
29 July 2008
Skill Training
Kipping Pull-ups
If you can’t do 40 Kipping Pull-ups then you need to work on them. It’s a skill that requires strength, speed, coordination, flexibility, and just about everything else that describes athletes. On this day you will learn the kipping pattern and all kinds of tricks and tips to become a kipping fool.
Skills training will be followed by some core training.
Rockers, med-ball throws and some other funky stuff.
30 July 208
Warm-up will be Deadlift to your max.
For 20 minutes perform as many rounds as possible with the following couplet:
Deadlift X 7 reps (weight will be 70 pounds minus your max)
Row 250 meters
31 July 2008
Skill and Strength day
Front Squat 5 sets of 5 reps with as much weight as possible.
Run 5K (For those of you closer to your dirt nap than your birth, it may be helpful on your knees and ankles to stop and walk for a minute every 5 to 10 minutes. I have been doing this for years and it has seriously reduced joint pain. Also, once the run is complete do 25 air squats to maintain your squat flexibility. The first few will be painful, but by rep 10 you should be gaining back the mobility you lost from your hamstrings tightening up from the run.)
01 August 2008
WODProgramming will be in the hands of amateurs - everyone who shows up will get to choose a movement and a WOD will be developed from those movements.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I walked upstairs tonight --can't remember why -- and next thing you know, I'm removing the wallpaper in the bathroom. Didn't plan it - just couldn't take it anymore. The best way I've found to remove wallpaper (I've tried all the gadgets and solutions) is to rip off the top layer to expose the bottom "paper" layer. Once that is exposed, wet the wall down with plain ol' water, wait a few minutes so the water can soak thru and loosen the glue, and then it will just come right off. The old wallpaper was so bad that Michael commented on how much better the wall looked even with the paper backing still hanging on the wall. Who picks out this stuff?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Burn Baby Burn
I think it's projects like that makes Michael spends so much time away from home. The hedges between our house and the neighbor's were infested with aphids. I sprayed them with the mean stuff but there were just so many of them that it really didn't make much difference. The aphids had migrated to my new shrubs and it was a losing battle to keep them out of the new ones when we had an aphid farm 20 feet away. Then my neighbor informed me that the prior resident was constantly spraying the hedge trying to get rid of the aphids but never could get them under control. That settles it. The hedge must come down. There were fifteen separate bushes at approximately 10 foot tall. We cut them down and burned all of them. Michael sure knows how to get a fire burning hot enough to burn green wood down to ashes in a short time. Now, what are you gonna do about the stumps?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
East Coast CrossFit Team 6

21 July 08
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
For 30 minutes every minute complete the sequence. Special rules: chest must touch pull-up bar for pull-ups, chest must touch ground for push-ups, butt must touch medicine ball for squats. Modify reps as necessary i.e. 3 pull-ups, 8 push-ups, and 13 squats or if you're froggy 7 pull-ups, 12 push-ups, and 17 squats.
22 July 08
Deadlift find your max
Row 2000 meters for time.
23 July 08
Burpin’ Helen
400 meter run
21 Burpees
12 Pull-ups
Snatch skill development and find your max
Programming will be in the hands of amateurs - everyone who shows up will get to choose a movement and a WOD will be developed from those movements.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Is it Dark Enough?
So the finishers showed up today, sanded the floor and stained it. It is not as dark I we had hoped but I'm not sure we can get it any darker. The finishers said they will add a second coat of stain tomorrow but after looking at it, I'm just not sure it will work. A lot of the red still shows but it definitely looks better than the old flooring. I heard a lot of comments from them about their sandpaper getting clogged rather often.
Here is a comparison to the old flooring (tip: the old flooring is the one running vertical that has the large gaps between each plank):
And the darker stain really brings out the grain patterns and sets off the white cabinets.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Who Do You Support?

Friday, July 11, 2008
Time to Move the Burn Pile
I'm pretty excited about the sink area. The plumbers made it back today and installed the sink in the "now big enough" cutout in the countertop. One thing I insisted upon from the beginning of the project was that the windows be low enough so the countertop could flow into the window allowing for more countertop space behind the sink and, I think, a more streamlined look. I argued about this when the windows were ordered and again when the framers put in the windows --they all thought I was nuts. Well, I'm glad I stuck to my guns because I love the look. The cabinet that holds the sink is extended forward 2 inches from the adjacent cabinets allowing for a large work area. Yes I know, I still have to install the trim around the window...all in good time. And we probably need to move the burn pile so it's not the focal point of the view from the kitchen window.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Now We're Cooking...Almost!
The cooktop is almost functional. The electrician wired the downdraft fan and the HVAC guys added the vent for the downdraft. Now I just need someone to run the gas line (he's supposed to be here Friday!).
The double ovens work great! Purchased the Jenn-Air ovens for a steal at the Habitat ReStore (that is also where I purchased new limestone tile for my 1/2 bath @ .75 sq ft - you gotta check out your local store). Now I just need to get the doors on the cabinets...maybe a little paint on the walls...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Another Use for Michael's Weights
Today I routed the edges of the countertop, sanded both the top and the edges, and applied the sealer/finish. The edges had to be sanded by hand and it ruined my hands. This stuff is extremely hard (yes, I know I mentioned it before but thought it should be reiterated) and is not like working with wood. Sanding a wood edge would be a breeze - this was not. It took HOURS to sand the edges but the end result is really nice - they are as smooth as glass. I still have to build up the edges (to make the 3/4" thickness appear to be 1-1/2 inch) but will have to wait until my hands recover. The instructions said to attach the countertop to the cabinet using mechanical fasteners, such as wood screws, and silicone. Well, the wood screws didn't work out so well. I only tried one. This stuff is so hard that drilling the pilot hole was almost impossible and when I tried to insert a screw, the head twisted right off. We decided to use silicone only and use these weights and a few clamps to hold it down until the silicone dried. I'd like to see someone get screws in this stuff.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Oops! The Sink Won't Fit
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Coal Miner's Daughter
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Where are the Real Studs?
Thursday, July 3, 2008
A Level That's Not Level?
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Mole Hunter
Believe it or not, he actually catches the moles. We had an awful problem with moles in Washington until Pete showed up. There was one instance where a mole was destroying my planting beds and since Pete knows to stay out of those, the mole escaped his hunting prowess. I had to call in a professional trapper. The guy came out and set up numerous traps. A week later, the mole made the mistake of venturing outside the beds and into the yard. Big mistake - Pete got him (and I praised him repeatedly). The trapper came back and retrieved his empty traps. The moles aren't as bad here and I expect Pete will take care of this one soon. Just hope he doesn't start hunting in the neighbors' yards. They may not see it as I do - the little bit of digging in the grass Pete does is minor (and restricted to one area) compared to the amount of damage a mole will do over time to the entire lawn. Go Pete!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Hey -- That's My Spot!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Things You'll Only See Down South

That would be a field of tobacco. I pass several of these during the many trips to Lowe’s (or Home Depot). While I really like living in a rural area, it can be rather inconvenient at times. I was actually just taking a picture of Cessie hanging out of the window (she always does this) because I think she’s cute. I’m sure Michael is looking at this picture wondering how I took it since it is obviously taken while moving and from the passenger side of my vehicle…I’m not telling.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Baby Mama

I saw this "introduction" several years ago (2004) and couldn't believe my ears! This is the way wives introduce their senator husbands?!?! Classy, huh? Every time this particular senator's name was mentioned, all I could think of was "my baby's daddy"...and mentioned it to anyone within earshot. Fast-forward several years and lo and behold this guy is running for president. I was confident the introduction would be played over and over and over. It wasn't. In fact, I never heard it mentioned ANYWHERE. I was beginning to believe I imagined it so I searched the internet. Apparently there were others like me wondering why this was never mentioned and wondering why we could not find a clip (evidence) of Michelle Obama's introduction anywhere. Someone found a CNN transcript but that was it. Finally, we have an audio clip: Let's just imagine the last four First Ladies introducing their husband as "my baby's daddy": Laura Bush? Hillary Clinton? Barbara Bush? Nancy Reagan? Seriously.
Next thing you know the Oval Office will have a velvet Elvis above the recliner (complete with cup holders) and a pink flamingo on front lawn.