Michael hard at work on his weekend "Honey-Do" list. Next weekend, I'll hide the sofa...
Nov 3rd
For Time:
100 L-Sit Pullups
Any hand placement is acceptable. Tips: remove your shoes, bands are allowed
By the way, Michael is on the road - he relayed the WOD to post for him. And no, I'm not "expecting". Although he says he is Ranger and Special Forces qualified, I think I may have to verify his records since he doesn't seem to be virile...vile maybe...
Thanks for posting Mike & Mrs. Mike. Safe travels.
AKA Hound
Team 6
Hi Mike!
Hope your weekend was good. This was a tough Monday...the Hound was on a roll, and he did all of his pullups without a band and still beat me! I used the green band and finished in 15:25. We then proceeded to do some back squats and play with muscle up practice and kipping pushups and stuff--that part was fun, but I suffered through all these pullups! If I can't kip, I'm kind of in trouble. Come see us soon!
Yes, today was a good day.
100 L-sit pull-ups, no problem.
I was'nt really keeping up with my time, something like 15:03, but I cant remember exactly....Oh, gosh, it seems I beat the Wabbit, I had'nt even noticed.
Good thing I'm such a humble sportsman, a guy could really rub something like this in. But I would'nt do that, you know rub it in, that I BEAT THE WABBIT.
Nope not me.
ECCF Team 6
I have not laughed so hard in a long time--you just wait till I get you again, Hound! And yes, I'm obsessively checking to find out about tomorrow's workout...
Wabbitt the Loser (but only for a day, I promise!!)
Awesome work Hound and I appreciate your humility. You smoked not only the Wabbitt, but pretty much whooped me like a rented mule. I hit 19:41, so I guess I'll be chasing the hound tommorow.MP
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