Wednesday, November 12, 2008

13 Nov 08

Weighted Pull-ups 5 sets of 3 reps
Weighted Bar Dips 5 sets of 3 reps

Each set will produce a score, add all the scores together of both the pullups and dips to get your total score.
example: 3 reps of 10 lbs = score 30lbs (5 sets of this example will give a score of 150)


Anonymous said...

Pull ups dont have to be kipping do they?


Anonymous said...

You can do any manner you wish.MP

Anonymous said...

I did the weighted pull ups, and made it to 25# by round 4, but could only get two at that and missed the third, so round five I did 2 at 25# and one at 20#. Total pull up score was 225. I couldn't use any weights on the dips, because I'm still woefully unbalanced and can do pull ups like a freak show but am terrible at dips and push ups. So Randy gave me a dip clinic today, and I did manage to do a bunch of real dips at body weight, and I tried with 5#, too, but I was kind of pathetic at that. It was fun, though, and I need to work on hard stuff, so I guess it's okay to be weak and pathetic every now and then. Hound was doing all kinds of crazy weights on his dips--it was cool!


Anonymous said...

This was one of my favorite workouts yet. My total pull-up score was 360 and my max weight was 35# but I did have alot of 2 rep sets ( 2.8 reps technically). On the dips I scored 564 and got the 53# kettle bell 3 reps.

Wabbit dont be so hard on yourself. You would have been proud of her Mike, I have a feeling she's going to pick up dips like she did kipping pull-ups, seemingly overnight. The girl keeps me on my toes.
