Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Supper

It finally happened! I was able to use my stove for the first time. The gas company came out to run the gas line over a month ago but didn't have the part to convert the stove to LP gas. They would have to order the part and come back. A month later it was still on backorder. I didn't push the issue then because we couldn't get into the kitchen anyway due to the floor situation. But when I realized the floor drama was coming to an end, I decided to go online and order it myself. Three days later (and $50 cheaper) it was on my doorstep so I called the guys back to hook up the stove. Calzone isn't quite what I expected to be cooking for the inaugural meal but it was quick and didn't require a lot of dishes. When we moved here, all of the kitchen items were taken straight to the attic since we were renovating the kitchen --with the exception of one skillet, one pot, a good cutting knife, and a couple of place settings. We'll probably unload the attic this weekend but until then dinner is gonna be quick, simple and on disposable foil platters like this one.

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