Tuesday, November 11, 2008

12 Nov 08

3 Rounds

4oo meter run
25 KB swings (50lb men/35 pound women)
50 Ab mat sit-ups


Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed you this weekend. I was practicing my intermittent napping! I saw that you smoked that workout, great stuff!
The IF is going well. I am having to be really careful about eating enough total calories- Andrea is worried I am going to waste away! I am consistently posting PRs in all CF wods so my performance hasn't suffered. We did Fran the other day and posted a 4:12 but was humbled by Ryan who posted a 2:58!!! He can do the butterfly kip so he can smoke trough that workout. Ron posted a 4:23- nearly 3 min faster than last time. My total is 905 now at 305BS/155sp/ and 445 DL. I am taking some time to just work on strength so I am following robb wolf's basterdized starting strength.
I think Already mentioned it but after following ur recomendation I went to get ART and my ROM has significantly increased. I am still working on controlling my shoulder blade and sticking it to my ribs as opposed to letting it wing out. The heaving snatch balance has been a good exercise to practice this.
Well, just wanted to update you and catch up. Hope all is well,

Anonymous said...

So today the board looked something like this:

Space Monkey (aka incredible workout freak) 12:something, I can't remember.

Wabbitt 14:42 (I think--it might have been 44 or 46--by the end of the day it gets foggy if I don't write it down somewhere)

Hound NO SHOW!

I think he is afraid. I don't know how the Space Monkey beat me so soundly--I went straight through every set of swings and sit-ups as fast as I could. I am, however, a slow, gimpy runner, so I guess I lost a lot of time. It was very, very cold this morning, and I was extremely motivated to get back into the warm gym--I have never been so happy to go running in to do swings in my whole life. Hope your trip was safe, and I'm psyched to see you over the holidays!


Anonymous said...

Mike, this was an incredibly easy workout. I breezed through it in 7:14 and I used the 70lbs KB and opted to run 800m insteaad of 400m.

I dont know what Wabbit is talking about, she probably didnt see me cause I was in "Advance Ninja Mode"
, and shes retarded.

Look foward to tomorows WOD.
Plan to beat Wabbit again.


Anonymous said...

It is so very, very sad to see that some of my crossfit compatriots feel the need for tall tales and name calling, especially when I just want to make friends...


Anonymous said...

It looks like you are making some excellent progress. I get the same complaint from my wife about wasting away. Just remind her the other option is silly fat bastard. I suspect you will be breaking into the 3's for Fran by the spring. Someday when you get time, please an example of a day in the life of Thomas with regard to IF. I think some folks would find it interesting. Thanks for the update, hopefully I can catch up with you over the christmas break.MP

Anonymous said...

You let me catch the guy thats been telling lies and calling my buddy Wabbit names and he'll get the wrath of the ninja.

I got your back Wabbit.
