Sunday, November 16, 2008

17 Nov 08


How many rounds can you do in 20 minutes?
400 meter run
20 pull-ups


Anonymous said...

After Fridays disappointment, I retreated high into the sacred hills where I purposed myself into a state of deep meditation. Alone, was I, in a parallel existance. My soul seperate from my body, my mind emptied, a vast ocean.
It was here, achieved I did, enlightenment.
I will use this new zen to propell myself through and beyond. Once and forall defeating my advisary, the evil...Wabbit!
For all things pure and noble I will strive for ultimate victory.

Ninja Master (in training)

Anonymous said...

You got me today (and likely tomorrow, too) by default--which is disappointing, because this would have been fun. Maybe we can have a do over sometime soon. While you were in the mountains working on your Yoda impression, I was managing to catch yet another cold/sinus infection/ickiness. I will be back as soon as I can both A. Breathe, and 2. Talk without sounding like I'm in the bottom of a well. And then I will resume crushing you.


Anonymous said...

It appears that my nemesis has afflicted me from afar. Although my positive chi was enough to repel her today, she used witchery to attack my immune system. Coward!
She knew I would be at my weakest after knocking out 5 rounds (4 + 18 pull-ups) in sub freezing conditions, all while fending off hordes of possesed street thugs. Sick (& not just mentally), I may be, but quit I will not. Just dont stand too close to me Tues. am, dont want to spread this.
Wabbit, get well soon.
