Wednesday, April 22, 2009

23 April 09
Power Clean
3 x 3 (2-3 minutes rest between sets, progress with each set, last set do 3 or more)

Rest 3 minutes

For Time:
30 Musle-ups (3 chest to bar pull-ups/3 rings to bicep dips = 1 muscle up)

Finish with 10 minutes stretching


Anonymous said...

Well....i was dreading today since these exercises are easily my worst. However, i did my PR power clean at 95# (don't's a lot for me! :) ) and did the alternate exercises for muscle ups in 15:40. Not too bad. Definately feel my pull ups getting stronger by the day. I love my 7am guys make my morning every day! Oh....and i could use a good ab workout belly feels jiggly. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh come on's bikini season! :)

Unknown said...

Yes, abs! Please! Lots of them! It's one thing I think I'm allowed to do! And I'm short waisted--do you know how long it takes to look like you HAVE abs instead of flabs when your waist is about 2 inches long? And Linds is right--BIKINI SEASON is upon us...shudder...ugh...

I slept in today and missed the hell, though I'm pretty sure it would have caused me to just flat fall out, as they say down here, so I'm not really regretting it :)
