Thursday, April 23, 2009

24 April 2009
Dot Drill
10 Skin the cat
50 Rockers
Back Squats up to working sets

Back Squat 3 x 3 (2-3 minutes rest between sets, progress with each set, last set do 3 or more)

Rest 2- 3 minutes

5 Rounds for time
200 meter run
15 x Hanging Leg raises (toes must touch bar and legs must stay straight)
15 x Hand Stand Pushups

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching


Anonymous said...

Mike, is there a modified exercise for skin the cat or hanging leg raises?
Thanks Katie

Anonymous said...

Katie, For the skin the cat you will need to have someone spot you and help you through your tough spots. I would also recommend that you keep the rings relatively low to the ground. When I first started doing them I would set low enough so that when I turned over my feet would touch the ground. For the hanging leg raises, simply do knee to elbows or knees to high as I can get them today. Hope that helps. MP

Anonymous said...

hound - didn't get any email yet.

Unknown said...

17:34, green/blue bands on the HSPU, 105# back squats (with good form, though, which is a first in a long time!) This was harder than it looked on paper (aren't they all, though?), but it was fun! Hound was still suffering through some workout that looked a lot like ours, but obviously took a lot longer, when I got there this morning, and he then decided that he needed to give me some skin the cat pointers...AHEM...if there's one thing I CAN actually do, it's skin the cat. So, Hound shows me HIS version of the exercise, which involves hanging semi-upside down, at which point GNC had to say "Lower, Hound" to which Hound replied (in a squeaky, strained voice) "A-HOLE!" before falling off the rings, still semi-upside down. Masterful, I must say...hee!

And TomJohn (aka M-Dub), you know now we're all going to be sending you crazy kinds of spam to amuse ourselves.

Have a good weekend everyone!
