Tuesday, April 28, 2009

29 April 2009
PVC Pipe Olympic Lifting Warm-up x 1
Push-ups 3 x 25 men/15 women (The start position of each push up is the ground with the legs and chest in contact with the ground. Explode up and lock out at the top.)

Deadlift 5 x 5 (2-3 minutes rest between sets, progress with each set, last set do 5 or more)

Rest 3 minutes

"Linds" or mommy my tummy hurts!
5 rounds for time:
10 x Windshield wipers (see link for demo)
10 x Hanging Leg raises
10 x Knees to elbow
10 x Rockers
10 x Ab Mat sit-ups


Anonymous said...

Fair enough...ill be there! :)

Anonymous said...

That's what I'm talking about leading the way. I think she's calling you out Hound.

Anonymous said...

ok ok.....i get it...."be careful what you ask for right?". However, i LOVED IT!!!!! I am still working on finding a happy place with my deadlifts, so i only got 165#. i guess it's my form, but these kill my back...but GNC is the master of form, so we're getting there. Then, began that wonderful, painful WOD. Every minute of it was awesome! All 18 and a half of them. hahahah. Thanks for that. :) and now i can tell Scout that MY belly hurts! :)

Unknown said...

Okay, I was in post concert hangover mode and missed this, but I wanna do it tomorrow morning! Yay for abs!


Anonymous said...

i would LOVE to give a shout out to my team 7 peeps....but im the only one lately! :) Becca, i see your kings of leon hangover, and i accept it, but....get your A#$ back in there girly! Where'd all of our people go?

East Coast CrossFit said...

Hey Mike~
Heads up, next week the 6th and 7th
all the WODs will have to be completed outside (except the 6 and 7am classes) we have the Level 1 cert being held and they are being very pushy with nobody in the gym during this time. So can you take that in mind. I appreciate it.

GinaW said...

I still dislike those darn rockers (& the bruise that I get as a result)! The wipers were fun, though...on the floor, of course! :)
Nice wod, MP. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Cindy, thanks for the heads up, I will assume we will be able to move some things outside. If not just let me know and I'll plan accordingly.
Glad everyone "liked" the WOD, it ended up being much more difficult than I anticipated and that's always a good thing.
Linds nice work on the deads and WOD, I expect by mid summer your deadlifts will have improved quite a bit. This should have a positive carryover to alot of things.
Hound: You got me today I could only muster 5 with 315 and it was quite the struggle. BTW I expirenced the same thing with the grip, just one more thing I suck at. And finally to anybody who's listening, I will start posting WOD's for Saturday. The template I'm using is 3 on 1 off followed by 2 on 1 off. The caveat to that is that the first off will be active rest and you will get an idea of what I'm talking with this weeks thursday WOD.MP