Tuesday, September 30, 2008

01 Oct 08
For time
1000 meter row
Thruster 45 lbs (50 reps)
Pull-ups (30 reps)

Monday, September 29, 2008

30 September 08
Hang Snatch
5 sets of 3 reps (go as heavy as good form will allow)
Core Work
4 Rounds
10 Wind shield wipers from the rings (substitute is the same but conducted on the floor)
15 Med ball throw situps

The following is a special request for the "Space Monkey" only, all others should tread lightly.

"The Wabbit"
400 meter run
25 Deadlift (225lbs)
25 Wall Ball
25 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95lbs)
25 Push Press (95lbs)
25 Pull-ups
25 Push ups
25 Buprees
25 Box Jumps
400 meter run
WOD is to done with 20lb weighted vest (vest will be supplied)

Sarah Proofing

Miss Sarah has way too much energy. She takes off running through the kitchen towards the dog door, changes her mind and applies "brakes" trying to stop ...leaving nail gouges in the new kitchen floor. She like to run around and around the kitchen slipping and sliding and skidding ...leaving nail gouges in the new kitchen floor. The new kitchen floor already looks like it has had years of abuse. So, I broke down and Sarah-proofed the floor. It is a mismash of area rugs, throw rugs and runners that don't even come close to matching and it is going to be a pain to clean --but the floor is protected. Maybe, just maybe she will calm down and I can go back to a nice runner that matches the kitchen. Maybe.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

29 September 08
5 Rounds
400 meter run
21 Swings
12 Pullups
Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

26 September 08
3 Rounds
250 Row
5 Tarp Drags = approximately 60 meters (200 pounds (m)/150 pounds (W)
20 Pullups

I Don't Understand Why You Keep Putting Me Outside

Meet Miss Sarah (as in Sarah Palin and the whole lipstick on a pit bull thing). She is the newest member of our household...maybe. I found her and her buddy at a service station on a busy road dragging chains behind them. What can I say - I'm a sucker so I loaded up both of them and brought them home. One night was all it took for me to realize there was just no way I could keep both...even for one more night. So we decided to try and make Miss Sarah a part of the family. She is probably about 6-8 months old and full of energy. She gets in trouble for: chasing Cessie, barking in the house, jumping up on us (and everyone she sees), leaping from chair to sofa and back again without her feet ever touching the floor, putting her paws on the counter to see what is up there, sniffing at the garbage can and eating out of Pete or Cessie's food bowl. Her worst trait is food aggression. Food aggression is not tolerated in this household. We are working on it but until I think it is "conquered", she will not be allowed to be alone with Cessie. I'm not that worried about her being alone with Pete - he will very calmly put her in her place. Not sure how he does it but he is like that with all the neighborhood dogs - they just know he's the boss although I've never seen him be ugly with them. But this isn't about Pete, it is about Miss Sarah. Wish the best for her - if she doesn't shape up, she's shipping out. I hope she shapes up - she is the sweetest, most cuddly lapdog you have ever seen. She just loves to cuddle.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

25 September 08
Sprint practice
2 x 200 meter
3 x 100 meter
4 x 50 meter
Rest 1 minutes between sprints
Finish with Core work
4 rounds
10 Toes in the ring
10 Walk outs

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

For those unfamiliar with the DOT drill

24 September WOD
Go in sequence and complete 6 reps per movement. You have 20 minutes to go through the sequence and your score will be the last movement you complete in under 20 minutes. Weights for barbell = 95 (M)/55(W), kbell 53(M)/35(W), Dbell 35(M)/20(W) that being said scale as appropriate. During warm-up I will take you thru the movements that are unfamiliar and give substitutes.

1 Air Squat 23. Box Jump 45 Dumbbell Push Press
2 Front Squat 24 Lunge 46 Dumbbell Push Jerks
3 OverHead Squat 25Walking Lunge 47 Dumbbell Split Jerks
4 Back Squat 26 Jumping Spit lunges 48Dumbbell Thrusters
5 Press 27 Slam Ball 49Push Press Wall Ball to 10 ½ feet
6 Push Press 28Broad Jump Slam Ball 50Wall Ball
7 Push Jerk 29Jumping Pull ups 51Double Unders
8 Split Jerk 30Pullups to the Chest 52Shuttle run
9. Thrusters 31Clapping Pull up 53 Squat Thrust
10 Deadlift 32L-sit Pull ups 54 Burppees
11. Sumo Deadlift High Pull 33Pull ups 55Burpee With Pull-up
12. Power Clean 34Rope Climb 56Box Jump Burpees
13. Clean 35 Sit ups 57 Broad Jump Burpees
14. Hang Squat Clean 36 Rockers 58 Lateral Burpees
15. Power Snatch 37Knee to Elbow 59Double Leg Mountain Climbers
16. Snatch 38 Glute Ham Sit ups 60Dot Drill
17. Hang Snatch 39Back Extension 61Push Up
18One arm swing w/kbell 40 Dumbbell Deadlift 62Clapping Push ups
19. Kbell Swing (2 hands) 41 Dumbbell Clean 63 Hand stand push ups
20. Kbell Snatch (alt arms) 42 dbell Snatch (alt arms) 64Ring Dips
21. Kbell Clean (alt arms) 43Dumbbell Split Clean 65 Jumping Ring Dips
22. Kbell Jerk (alt arms) 44 Dbell Split Snatch (alt arms) 66 Parallel Bar Dips

Monday, September 22, 2008

23 September 08
3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Work up to your max triple
Finish up with Handstand pushup and Handstand walking practice

Sunday, September 21, 2008

This is an official annoucement for the "Space Monkey" and any other non-believer. The Wabbit did 23 Pullups last thursday.
22 September 08


4 Rounds

250 meter row

25 Pullups

50 Pushups

75 Air Squats

The pullups, pushups, and air squats can be broken down into 5 rounds of 5,10, and15 respectively.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Team 6 Training Schedule
15-19 September 08

All recommended weights are simply that recommendations, scale as appropriate.

15 September 08
For Time:
3 Rounds of 21, 15, and 9
Deadlift (225 Men/155 Women) scale as appropriate

16 September 08
Find your max for handstand pushups
Find your 15 rep max for thrusters (goal 75% of bodyweight)

17 September 08
5 Rounds
200 meter run or 250 row
15 Burpees

18 September 08
Find your max (consecutive reps) for pull-ups
Run 5K for time

19 September 08
5 Rounds
400 meter run
20 Wall-Ball shots
20 Kettlebell Swings

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Schedule for those deployed or out of town

08 September 08
3 Rounds
400 meter run
21 Burpees
12 Pull-ups

09 September 08
Run 5K for time

10 September 08
5 Rounds of 25 reps per movement
Broad Jumps (6 feet per jump)
Thruster (with odd object ie., rock)

11 September 08
30 Handstand Push-ups (take as long as needed and work on technique)
Finish with 3 runs of 800 meters (rest 3 minutes between each 800)

12 September 08
3 Rounds 1 minute per movement/ with 1 minute rest between rounds
Jumping Split lunges
Clapping Push-ups
Air Squats
Team 6 Training Schedule
08-12 September 08
All recommended weights are simply that recommendations, scale as appropriate.

08 September 08
Slamin’ Helen
3 Rounds
400 meter run
21 Slam Ball
12 Pull-ups

09 September 08
Overhead Squat 5 sets of 5 reps with 75% of bodyweight
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Finish with 2000 meter row for time

10 September 08
5 Rounds of 12 reps per movement
Box Jumps
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

11 September 08
Squat Clean 5 sets of 5 reps with weight = to bodyweight
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Finish with 3 runs of 800 meters (rest 3 minutes between each 800)

12 September 08
2 Rounds 1 minute per movement/ with 1 minute rest between rounds
Jumping Ring Dips
Row (for calories)
Hang Power Cleans
Air Squats