Sunday, March 15, 2009

17 March 09

Deadlift 1 x 5 reps (as heavy as possible)


5 Rounds
15 x Deadlift (225lbs men/155lbs women)
15 x Box Jumps 24 inches (starting position for each box jump will be from a sitting position on a chair or bench; chair or bench should be no higher than 20 inches)


Liz said...


Im not going to be there tomorrow morning so I will just have to do your test on Tuesday. Besides, the WOD for tomorrow looks pretty good so ill just do that later in the day. later.

Mike S.

Anonymous said...

Mike S.

Sounds good, I have some more fun WODs for us to compete in, so I'll seeya Tuesday.

Programmer- We have had 3 people join the muscle up club in the past 2 weeks, so is it fair for me to now request a Muscle-up WOD? Please? It really has nothing to do with my thoughts that I'm actually good at them....