Tuesday, March 3, 2009

04 March 09

For Time:
1000 meter row
50 Thrusters (45lbs)
30 Pull-ups


Anonymous said...

Rowing....oh what fun. "1000" is such a large number. (I suppose it could've been 2000, though.) Apparantly, I need to get over the fear of rowing.
On a positive note, I did 43 leg raises today (each leg), till my hips went numb. Kind of cool. I'll be practicing till I get 130!
Tomorrow, I will make a lot of people feel good about themselves, based on the time I'll get, but...happy xfitting! :)


Unknown said...

Ugh...I was slower than I had hoped. 11:03--those thrusters took a toll, and I'm still not very strong or fast at anything involving a squat, which is frustrating. Gina, hope you fared better than I did! And where in the world is the Hound? And Hound, Jr.? Are we going to have to send out a search party?? It's been far too nice at the gym lately--we need some good old fashioned smack talk.


Anonymous said...

It is said, "A hound will not hunt if it doesn't think it has a chance of catching its prey"

*This is a paid advertisement by the "Keep the Wabbitt free foundation"

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, your "slow" is my "fast" when it came to the wkout...you beat me by 7 seconds, but I expected to do much worse (& I used the blue band for pull ups, so...you rock!).
It was appropriate to do the "Jackie" wkout & meet her for the first time. Thanks for the motivation! Fun class.
As always, it was a pleasure to workout with the Hound today. You and your long legs smoked me on the rower, but I fully expected that. Great job today! (You're gonna have your muscle ups in no time!...Hope you're practicing, Rebecca!)
Hopefully, I'll be back at 7am tomorrow to give GNC another girl to torture...


Unknown said...

Hello? Hound at 81%? I'm practically still a cripple! That's okay, though--I will crush you upon your return, AND I will do muscle ups first! (Provided I don't get stuck in the bands again and fall on my head.) Anyway, Hound, go ahead and feel all good about yourself today...your miniscule reign of crossfit terror will be at an end very, very soon!

Wabbitt (I feel better now)