Sunday, March 29, 2009

So Far.....
1. Tire Flips
2. Hang Cleans
3. Muscle-ups
4. 800 meter run
5. Dumbbell Push Press w/35 m/55
6. Burpee Pull-ups
7. Backward Wall-ball
8. Hand Stand Push-ups
9. GHD sit-ups
10. Overhead Squats
11. Deadlift
12. Thrusters
13. Double Unders
14. Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
15. Slam Ball
16. Keg Lunges
17. Knee to elbow
18. Turkish Get-ups
You have until 1500 to get your recommendations in.


Anonymous said...

Manmakers...Mike a challenge that only a select few could complete and I think you would be one of them. Can you finish this workout in 21 minutes?

Anonymous said...

air squats