Sunday, March 1, 2009

02 March 09

Shoulder Press 3 sets of 5 reps (as heavy as possible)
Rest two-three minutes between sets

Finish with the following:
Complete as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes of:
10 Hang squat cleans, (men 135 pounds/women 95lbs)
25 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

Scooby Snacks!!!
Hound, please tell your sister thank you for the Scooby Snacks. We received them on Friday and the pups have been driving me crazy since their arrival. If your sister has a website, please let me know and we’ll put her link on the blog. I'm sure there are some other folks with spoiled pups that would love to try these organic snacks out.


Anonymous said...

I'm still debating whether or not to do this one...wall ball sucks for short people!

Unknown said...

Ha! Yeah, I bowed out completely after sleeping in and reading the blog this morning. Linds nearly had me convinced to try it this afternoon, but now I have to go do barn stuff instead. I'm guessing this means that the Hound is one up on me already this week, and I'll have to hit it hard tomorrow.

Hope everyone managed to stay warm and dry over the weekend!


Anonymous said... i would like to start out by saving sorry to my 7am crew! i'm on leave...ok? i like to sleep in too! heheheh. now, onto this WOD. I have determined that the key to my success is ignorance. I thought i was doing 65# on the HSC and felt a little pathetic compared to laura's 95!!!!! however, my poor math skills saved the day and i was actually doing 75#. This one kicked my butt, but in a good way. I am starting to see major improvements with the amount of weight i'm using! woo hoo!i am super sore this morning, and since i am typing this from my bed, i obviously skipped the 7am again...but i'm goin at 9 guys...and ill be back on thursday.