Sunday, March 8, 2009

09 March 09

Build up to a 3 rep max for Back Squat

Rest 3 minutes

10 sets of 5 reps Chest to Bar Pull-ups (rest 20 Breaths between sets)

Rest 3 minutes

3 Rounds for time
250 meter row (damper 10)
25 Tire Jumps (24 inchs)

Scoring is complicated, but that's why you pay these people so they can figure this thing out.
First:score your back squat as follows: The percentage over or under your bodyweight. Example you weigh 100 lbs and squat 150 lbs =1.5 or 150%
Second: Take total time in seconds to complete the pullups. Example 10 minutes=600 seconds
Third: Take total time in seconds to complete the final couplet. Example 10 minutes=600 seconds.
Fourth: 600 + 600 = 1200, then divide 1200/1.5 = 800
Lowest score wins


Anonymous said...

Not a problem Mike. But how you can come up with these WOD's, now thats a problem.

Hope I have some company at team 6 tommorow.


Anonymous said...


Um, What?


Anonymous said...

Hound, That may be the post of the year. Good stuff, I guess there were not many broken Toyota's today. I'm gonna go out on limb and guess that GNC's hard-drive locked down today and he's walking up and down US 1 muttering to himself. More than likely he'll be easy to spot with the thundering herd bumbling and stumbling behind him.