Wednesday, March 18, 2009

19 March 09
"Big 21"
Power Clean

Rules of the WOD
Starting weight will be 105lbs less than your best Power Clean
Increase weight by 5lbs each set
Rest between sets will be as long as it takes you to increase the weight by 5lbs

This WOD is a great opportunity to perfect the movement. Once you start getting near your max weight, increase the rest as necessary. The goal is to get the WOD done in 20 minutes with 21 "perfect" power cleans. Your score will = number of seconds over 20 minutes x the number of fouls (imperfect lifts or misses). Trainers will be the final judge on "perfect".


Anonymous said...

This means that my starting weight will be -10 lbs. Yippee for me!


Anonymous said...

Awesome. I love it. We have a lot of individuals (I won't say any names) that needed this WOD.

And I didn't comment after "GNC's Nightmare." I will never request a workout again. Ever. Even though I hit it RXed in 27:16, it was evil. The run took all the air out of my lungs making it hard to hold the air in to stabilize on the muscle-ups. I was able to do the first 5 in a row, then it dropped to triples and doubles through 6, then doubles and singles the rest of the way. The SDLHP's were the easy part, and I got done and realized there was another run. It was horrible.


Anonymous said...

Cool...guess I get to start with the pvc pipe! Nice. Expect a full class, Steve.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Steve....if you were talking about me (because of the huge bruise I got), I want to inform you that I received a lesson from Thomas last Saturday....thank you very much! :) You WILL see proper form!