Sunday, March 29, 2009

30 March 09
(Happy Birthday Keith)

Complete as many reps as possible in one minute at each station. This will not be a running clock, after each station is complete, you will be given ten seconds to reach your next station. Time hacks will be given every 15 seconds. The WOD will end with the 800 meter run.

1. Tire Flips
2. Hang Cleans 95/m 65/w (hang cleans include a squat)
3. Muscle ups (3 pullups/3 ring dips = 1 muscle up)
4. Dumbbell Push Press 55/m 35/w
5. Burpee Pull-ups (burpee includes a push-up)
6. Backward Wall-ball 20/m 14/w
7. Hand Stand Push-ups
8. GHD sit-ups (fingers must touch floor on the way back and feet on completion)
9. Overhead squats 95/m 65/w
10. Deadlift 225/m 155/w
11. Thrusters 95/m 65/w
12. Double unders
13. Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 70lb Kbell men/50lb Kbell women
14. Slam Ball 20lb men/15lb women
15. Walking Dumbbell Lunges 55m/35w (every step is a point)
16. Knee to Elbow
17. Turkish Get-ups 25lb men/15lb women
18. Manmaker 25lb men/15lb women (start in the top of a push-up with hands on dumbbells, do one push-up, remain in the top position of the push-up and do a row with each arm, after the rows jump your feet under you, squat clean the weight, push press, that’s one rep)
19. Air Squats
20. Box Jumps 20 inch box
21. 800 meter run (Every 15 seconds faster than 4 minutes = 10 points and Every 15 seconds over 4 minutes = -10 points)

Set-up: Have equipment for each station and as near as possible, arrange them sequentially. Label each station with 3 x 5 cards. Equipment needed: 3 Bars 95lbs, 3 bars 65lbs, 1 bar 225lbs, 1 bar 155lbs, 1 70lb Kbell, 1 50lb Kbell, 2 55lb DBs, 2 35lb DBs, 2 25lb DBs, 2 15lb DBs, 1 20lb slamball, 1 15lb slamball, 1 20lb med ball, 1 14lb med ball, jump ropes, rings configured for muscle ups and dips.


Anonymous said...

If anybody else ever has a 21st birthday, I'm gonna visit you the night before with my cousins Carmine and Nunzio. It won't be pretty.


Anonymous said...

Does that mean you will be bringing calzone's. BTW if possible I like spinach in my calzone's.MP

Anonymous said...

Not what I had in mind.


Anonymous said...

Don't you think it's better than someone turning 40? You'd have to bring your whole mafia. :)

Anonymous said...

Today I had a Tea Party here in England, and it had the same effect on the blokes here as it did in Boston...I came up with a good one.

5 rounds of the following
225# DL 5reps
55# DB Hang Clean 10reps
40# DB Thruster 15reps

rest 3 mins and then
run 800m

Yep, they love me here. Can't wait to get back so I can implament some of this love on Saturdays....


Anonymous said...

Rx'd: 348

Anonymous said...

Mike, you're a freakin machine. Rx'd 236, but I did finish with a sub 4:00 800m. Once again you've given me something to strive for.

As for you :), I've got one of the badest mobs out there. Watch out for Da Dolce, she's a force. Espically at 40. Never woulda guessed it in a million years.
