Wednesday, June 10, 2009

11 June 09
Practice the following:
Chest Bar Pullup
Handstand Push ups
Skin the cats
Remember it's practice not a WOD

After the skills practice complete the following:
For time:
Sprint 1 mile
50 double unders

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching


Gina W said...


This might sound a little "mushy", if you will, but in light of recent blogs, I would also like to add a few comments.....

I have always loved lifting weights and thought I knew what I was doing, for years. Then I joined ECCF in January. This was the first time I had ever attempted a pull up! I had never done a power clean, snatches, rowed, or all the other fun moves. I had been lifting "old school" for so long. (Deadlifts, BB row, leg press, etc.- nothing against these exercises, of course!)

I will be competing in a figure competition this weekend. My goal, this time, was to go into it, unlike many "body builders," strong and healthy. While I still have a lot more work to do (legs, in particular), I can say that I didn't kill myself with restricting calories, or cycling carbs for 2 months, etc. like the last show. This time, I will walk on stage a fit & healthy mother of three. I will have achieved this goal with the help of all the ECCF instructors, the great programmer, and those sweating beside me.

So, a big thank you for all of your help & encouragement!

Gina W

East Coast CrossFit said...

Hello Mike~
I haven't left a comment in awhile, nor have I been around lately. I want to say Thanks to all of you who have been keeping the box running so smoothly while Randy and I take time off. You guys have no idea how much it means to us. You are our second family, and I can't say it enough....THANKS!!!!
So now some sad news, our girl Cupcake (Wendy) is leaving us and Mike I was hoping you could come up with a good last WOD for us tomorrow, since it is her last day. She loves OHS, Rowing, Wallball (just to let you know). I am not sure if she has told you but her Backsquat has got up to 210# from the program you hve us on. It may be even more, I have been gone. Thanks Mike for everything. And Cupcake we are going to miss you like crazy. I love you girl. Please don't cry.....I will be there in Dec. to visit you!

Gina W said...


Good luck to you and your family (& new dog)! :)
