Tuesday, June 9, 2009

10 June 09
Big 21 Love
Power Clean: Start Weight 95lbs Men/35lbs Women
1. Increment the weight by 5lbs each set.
2. You cannot progress to the next set until successfully complete the weight you are attempting.
3. You have 10 minutes to complete all 21 sets.
4. Any missed attempts will be considered a foul.
5. Time stops at the 10 minute mark. If you have not completed all 21 sets you will be assessed a foul. Example Last clean 180lbs = 4 fouls.
6. Each foul is worth 10 thrusters with your starting weight.
7. At the end of the 10 minutes you will have 3 minutes to return the weight to the starting weight. At the end of the 3 minutes you are back on the clock until you complete all your thrusters. Once your thrusters are done time stops.
8. Trainers are advised to have newbies who are not that familiar with the power clean to use the start weight and complete a single every 30 seconds for 10 minutes. At the end of the 10 minutes and 3 minute rest, have them complete 50 thrusters at the same weight.
9. Those who are able to complete the Big 21 to standard are expected to support their fellow CF’rs by resting 3 minutes upon completion of the Big 21 and then completing 50 thrusters with the start weight. Or they can simply tell them to go pound sand.

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching.


Anonymous said...

Hound I just went back to the other days comments and read about the progress and weight loss. At ECCF in 8 weeks...between myself and 12 other we lost a total of 59% body fat. If anyone would like to know total from Jan. I will go back to records and look up for you. I do some of my own or Ron's WOD's thank you Mike for yours.


Anonymous said...

That's really awesome! You, for sure look amazing. :) I've noticed a total change in my body since starting CF a year ago....I don't really have many "fat" days and now, instead of wishing i was skinnier, I'm wishing I could deadlift more. I think it's really awesome....especially as a mom of a little girl. There's so much pressure on girls to be thin, instead of strong, and I'm kinda hoping to pass that focus on strength and health on to her! Ok, sorry for the rambling...I'm taking a minute from my powerpoint!

Anonymous said...


That is some great progress and kudos to all 12 of you. 59% fat loss, that means we lost almost 2/3's of person. Hopefully it was that part we trying to lose.
Today was a fun WOD for me, I completed the PC in 7:50, waited a couple of minutes and threw 220 on the bar and got it. Completed the thruster portion in 3:08, a little slow for me, but I made sure they were in good form.MP

Anonymous said...


I got my 21 rounds in 4:30. I got a total of 29 rounds working up to 260. I failed all attemps after that but got the 29rounds in 10 mins. However I did 100 power cleans yesterday with 135, so I was a little sore going into it. Good workout.


Anonymous said...

Ron, I was hoping you would post your results. You were smoking, I don't think I could load the plates any faster than I did. It was weird, but I think I actually had better technique today than when I usually take my time. I guess I got my brain to stop thinking. MP

Andrea said...

Great workout! I was a little hesitant to do this workout since we did "one bar" yesterday which included 100 cleans :( But this great and I PR'd at 145#, I almost had 150#...next time; finished the thrusters in 2:20!

Hey Mike check out this article-It puts "women weight training" in a new light

Also our dear friend and avid crossfitter is moving to WA this weekend can you come up with workout for Cupcake as a farewell present for Friday?

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the link and I'll see what I can do for Miss Cupcake. Is there anything special I need to know about her that will help me put a WOD together?

Anonymous said...


Cupcake hates overhead squats, rowing and anything to do with dumbbells.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Ron, this should be fairly easy to figure out. MP

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ron and Andrea with your encouragement and cue to "Elbows Under Now", I surpassed my goal of #115 and got #120....and yes I to did 100 Power Cleans yesterday. Unfortunately think it was all muscled up power cleans and today finally proper form. I think it was called a reverse bicep curl that I was doing.

Mike we all worked out together tonight so time was saved on adding plates...just like NASCAR pit crew. Wish we had a video.
