Sunday, November 8, 2009

09 Nov 09
Pullup max: as many as possible in one set.
3 mile run for time.
Finish with 10 minutes of strecthing.


Anonymous said...

I know I speak for many when I say we really miss doing these workouts at East Coast xfit!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for dropping by, I miss having you guys do the WODs. I especially miss hearing Hound talk smack. Hope all is well.

3 mile run sort of: I have no idea how far I ran; I ran to a track at a pretty good clip and it almost took 11 minutes to get there, I then ran a mile for time and hit it in 6:10, restarted the clock and ran back. I did the pullups afterwords, which was probably a mistake, and was only able to get 37. I'll do the pu first next time, although it is a convient excuse for a poor pu performance.MP

Anonymous said...

I was away this weekend...attended the Trafford wedding. I'll get back on track today,