Friday, November 27, 2009

28 Novemeber 09
10 x Overhead squat
5 x HSPU
5 x L-sit Pulls
Frog Stand 10 seconds
5 x Romanian Deadlifts men 135/women 95
See RDL example:

3 rounds for time
5x Clean and Jerk (Bodyweight)
500 meter Row

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike-

I have been coming across from very interesting stuff as of late concerning almost a civil war among the upper levels of the Crossfit community. I first started digging when I received an Email from HQ that the instructor for the nutrition cert I am supposed to attend on Dec 5th has changed. A lot of it seems to revolve around exchanges that took place at an event called "the Black Box Summit." Do you know anything about this or could you fill me in on what's happening?


Anonymous said...

GNC, I haven't heard anything about it.MP

Anonymous said...

Trudging through the workouts post thanksgiving food coma... Like the new warm ups. Keep em coming.