Wednesday, May 27, 2009

28 May 09
Active Rest
10 mile bike ride for time
5k run or row for time
For time
5 rounds for time
10 skin the cats
10 V-ups (very similar to a rocker, but you reach up and touch your toes)
10 Rockers
10 Sit-ups
All movements done on the floor will be done with a 5-10 lb medicine ball in the hands and the skin the cats will be done with the med ball controlled by the legs.

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching.


Anonymous said...

I wasn't going to come today bc i have been doing the 2-a-day CFE WOD's but i'm following the CFE website one day behind, and this was similar to my CFE workout for today, so i did. I was supposed to do my run at 15RPE (about 85%) so that's how i did today's WOD. I wan't initially happy with my time (25:25) but I've made my peace with it as adjusting to the two-a-day thing is kicking my butt. So...there it is. I suppose I am going to finally have to admit that I need to start watching my diet more I know that is what is causing my wall. You guys win! I'm going to have to curb my love of cheese and refined flour. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Mike,

Question for you on this one....Rx skin the cat is in the air feet never touching the floor correct? Or did you actually mean to have a med ball in between your legs while up in the air????? I can do it with rings up high but don't think med ball in between the legs is possible???? Is it?? LOL

Anonymous said...

Jackie, You can start with your feet touching the floor (and ball between the legs), skin the cat all the way over with the ball remaining between your legs throughout the movement. If its too hard with the ball, just drop it. Not sure if that answers your question, so if its still unclear let me know.MP