Wednesday, May 6, 2009

07 May 09
3 x 400 meter jogs practicing the POSE method
Vist for some excellent videos regarding the POSE Method.

3 rounds for time:
800 meter run
30 Toes in the rings leg raises

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching

Joe, Thanks for the heads up about the certification. That is some great progress in the power clean, it seems like only yesterday we were marveling at you cleaning 85 pounds. Coax wife in gently, number one priority will be consistent regular training (in other words make sure she shows up), then technique, and finally fitness. Don't rush the fitness, the devil will be in the details i.e. diet, rest, make it fun, and celebrate every little victory.

Linds some questions to ponder with regards to the 50 miler quest. How would you not prepare for a 50 miler? How would you keep your feet tender and soft? How would you run a race and crash? How would you ensure your running technique caused injuries to your feet, ankles, and knees? Now when you find the answers to those questions, do the OPPOSITE.


Anonymous said...

Mike do you know of any videos or routine for the stretching? Haven't seen many people doing it.
Thanks Katie

Anonymous said...

Katie, good question, I'll see if I can find something this weekend and I'll post a link on the blog.MP

Anonymous said...

There is a print out on the wall ball wall with pictures of the stretches and how long to do them ect...
Mike, how does one get "stripper skinny" and maintain strength?

Anonymous said...

great advice! the best yet in fact.....i have been looking at the CFE website pretty hard...might give it a go. what do you think? Also, loved today's WOD...although i clearly underestimated those toe thingys. :) I did it in 22:09 I think. My runs felt super strong, but the other exercise def held me up. I'm headed to Vermont next week for a vacation, and i am officially beginning my training up there...since it's such an amazing place to run anyway. But I think i may decide to follow the CFE plan instead of my normal marathon plan on crack. Any input from anyone who has run an ultra race before would be welcomed! thanks guys!

Anonymous said...

Wendy that is pretty sad I am there everyday and haven't looked at those printouts yet. Thought it was dot drill form. Thanks and thank you Mike

Anonymous said...

Okay, where do I start? Let me just say this I don't want to be a stripper, just stripper skinny. Also, I don't think I will ever have junk in the trunk as I'm a tall wonder bread girl with no "junk genes." I have the opposite problem, pancake butt syndrome. Anyway, I was hoping with a new kitchen, compliments of your better half, you would be able to whip up some recipes for me for building strength. I guess not.
Big sigh... as I read between the lines and process what you have written, you could have saved yourself time by typing one word, ZONE. I don't like that word so I will continue my quest to maintain my strength or should I say regain my strength while attempting to become stripper skinny. thank you for your time, Cupcake