Tuesday, May 5, 2009

06 May 09
PVC Pipe Olympic Lifting Warm-up x 3
Power Cleans up to working sets
Power Cleans 5,4,3,2,1 reps (2-3 minutes rest between sets, progress with each set, last set do 1 or more)
**Some of you may have to do the power cleans friday due to the seminar**
Rest 3 minutes
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes by alternating the following two movements every minute:
KB Two Handed Swings:50lbs men /35lbs women
Burpees: with a push-up, jump and arms are fully extended overhead where the ear is visible from the side
Score will equal total number of reps.

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching


Gina W said...

In regard to your post yesterday, NO...it's not you or anything you said! You're a great coach.
Personally, I have changed up my routine, focusing on specific lifting, for my competition coming up. I'm looking forward to getting back to it though! (5 1/2 weeks).
Speaking of competitions, good luck to both YOU & Andrea!!!

Anonymous said...

i had my max for the PC today despite the fact that GNC was not too proud that i couldn't do more. :( I got 105# for 1 rep....pretty good for me with my crazy elbows. I did pretty good on the rest of the workout but due to my rush to get to work, i didn't write it down. love these workouts, btw. i decided this past weekend to start training for a 50 miler....so we shall see how incorporating CF into my training helps. I have yet to train for a marathon with CF, so hoping it helps! pray for me....50 miles is a long one!

Anonymous said...

Great job on Power Clean today Joe. Your wife did a great job today too....its nice to have a new member and no complaining!!!
I went back at 5 and did the WOD, didn't realize you could sweat so much in just ten minutes. I am still stuck at #110 for Power Clean.
What do I do to get my elbows under and #115???