Thursday, January 15, 2009

16 Jan 09

As many rounds as possible in twenty minutes:

5 x knee to elbows
10 x kbells swings
15 x jumping dips


Anonymous said...

That I can handle.


Anonymous said...

Curiously, there was no sign of the Hound this morning...I am very close to proclaiming myself this week's victor! However, the Hound is wily, and could show up during an afternoon class to try to tie my record. This morning was fun, and much less painful than Wednesday (I'm still walking funny). I completed a full 14 rounds, and almost got a 15th in--I did all of the KTE and the swings, but only made it through 3 of the jumping dips before time was up. Space Monkey made another appearance this morning, and I very innocently suggested that he should try the wallball workout. I think he may hate me now. Or if not now, he will tomorrow, but he finished in 13:14, which is a good deal faster than I managed--ugh--I still hate wallballs!

Have a good weekend everyone!
