Monday, January 19, 2009

20 Jan 09

Finish with the following:
L-Sit Hold x 5 minutes: How long will it take you to hold an L-Sit for 5 minutes? Not a trick question, start your clock, once your feet go below your hips the clock stops. So you will have two clocks running one for cummlative time and one for the 5 minute L-Sit. Hopefully, someone will figure this out and be able to articulate it better than a sugar induced chimp.


Anonymous said...


Considering I'm a caffine induced gorilla, I should be able to relay the message out.


Anonymous said...

So I attempted to do battle with the storm early this morning in the dark. Leaving my humble abode in downtown Pinehurst, I attempted to make my way on Rt. 5. Upon turning onto Rt. 5, I realized that the road had not yet been plowed, and that for some reason my car decided to do a 180. Taking into consideration the large bill I paid to fix it last week after the attack by the tree, I used my better judgment and wussed out. I officially declare the score:

Storm - 1
GNC - 0


Anonymous said...

No worries GNC theres always round 2. I also wussed out this morning, guess I was wrong yesterday. It just goes to show you, even the wisest men are wrong once and a while. However, after my gracious employeer let the few of us who actually showed up for work off at 2:00pm, I made it in and did fridays WOD (5-10-15_20min). I completed 15 full rounds in 19:53 and Jackie was there to witness it. So no Wabbit, I didn't cheat (and I beat you HAHAHAHAHA). I would have done the dead lift WOD but there wasn't enough weight in the gym. It's hard on a brother, being this talented, and modest.

Tommorow morning will be ify, Cindy said she would post the schedual at the ECCF web site.
Enjoy the blizzard everyone!


Anonymous said...

Ha! Good to know I missed nothing this morning. Not sure about tomorrow--even though I'm close, I'm a poor snow/ice driver (I'm from the hills of TN, people--when it snowed we just went sledding down the driveway!) It looks like it could be messy that early! I may have to catch a later class.

Hound, I don't care about your attempt at Friday's WOD...that's all in the past, and I'm looking forward to a bigger, brighter future. So keep thinking about how to right past defeats if you must, but I'm a doer...


(I do love how even when none of us makes the scheduled class, there's no ceasing of all the smack talk.)

Anonymous said...

What the Hell is a "Wabbitt"

Lead Dawg,

P.S. U cold yet?

Anonymous said...

Mike I'll take that question-

Lead Dawg-

A Wabbitt is a small, loud and whiny girl that somehow always has the Hound chasing her.


Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head GNC.


Anonymous said...

I am not that loud! I squeak! And I'm only moderately whiny--okay, maybe I am on the high end of moderately whiny on strength days, but I'm terrible at strength stuff, so can you blame me? And when is it pick on Hound week again? I'm tired of all the pick on Wabbitt weeks...