Sunday, September 20, 2009

21 Sep 2009
We are now starting a new 4 week strength cycle and most of you have new maxes for the strength movements. Use 90% of your new maxes to determine the poundage you will use during this strength cycle. The key is to do as many reps as you can with the last work set. A new project we need to start is getting our L-sits up to a 3 minute hold and 2 continuous minutes of Hollow Rocks. I recommend making them part of your warm-up every day, you should notice an improvement in movements such as knee to elbows, kipping pull-ups, box jumps, etc… Simply practice holding the L-sits from either a pull-up bar or parallel bars for sets of 15 seconds (if this is too difficult, trying holding one leg at a time).
1x5 @ 40%
1x5 @ 50%
1x3 @ 60%
75% x 5 reps
80% x 5 reps
85% x 5 or more reps
For time:
4 Rounds
15 x Power Snatch 95lbs men/65lbs women
400 meter run

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching.


Anonymous said...

What hurts more than my chest is that I can't lift weights for at least three days....Let me be the example of the importance of good form.

Anonymous said...

Deadlift: Stayed cautious today and went 275 x 5
WOD:18:30 Had to use rower, hip flexor still not firing quite right yet for running, but it is making progress. MP

Anonymous said...

I had a bulging disc diagnosed back in January(I'm sure GNC remembers)....was forced to take it easy for about 3 months, along with daily physical therapy visits that involved "resistance stretching." I recovered 100%...and lesson learned: Good Form and Stretching makes a difference.

Anonymous said...

It's the patience in waiting to heal that is the hardest thing!
Glad you are making progress Mike.