Thursday, November 13, 2008

14 Nov 08

Three rounds @ 95lbs men/65lbs women:
3 Snatch
3 C & J
3 Thruster
15 Pullups


Anonymous said...

It was a sad, pathetic morning, I'm afraid. I posted a 7:17, but only using the bar--there was much pre-workout work done on trying to perfect my snatch form, because I'm fairly terrible. And yes, I fell down once, so was kept in the remedial class without additional weight, lest I hurt myself. I think Hound fell down, too, and we were all moderately downtrodden by the end of class. I was positively the worst, by far, though. Obviously, I need to work on some things before I can really be a crossfit ninja. Hope you've had a great week, and thanks for the workouts!


Anonymous said...

Yes Mike, Wabbit is dead on. Although this was a fun work out, I sucked butt.The weight was not a problem but rather my left shoulder. It was obviously still aleing from the muscle up incident and I just could'nt lock it in position at the top of the snatch.
After finishing set 1 w/65#, I found myself lying on the floor whimpering while Wabbit was hopping to the finish line. I finished up with only the bar in 9:51. We have disgraced our sensei.
