Sunday, November 30, 2008

01 Dec 08

For Time:
3 rounds
21, 15, & 9
Double Under
Deadlift (225 men/155 women)


Anonymous said...

LOL - andrea and I hit the double unders hard yesterday! Andrea thought a good third day of heavy training in a row should be capped off by 10/50-8/40-6/30-4/20-2/10 135 thrusters & double unders. 8:32 so I am taking today off. I hit mr Joshua on the first day at 25:34 and on the second day did lynne.
Hey I will get to that write up for u about the IF I haven't forgotten. Hope ur turkey day was good. Check out Crossfit balboa - they have a good blog. It is linked off of

Anonymous said...

I think that I can safely say that if I never see a deadlift again, I might be able to make my peace with it...finished in 12:59 and did the 4:1 ratio singles on the jump rope, as I'm still a little afraid of plopping on my face again after the last time. This still hurt, even with the singles. Hope your Thanksgiving was fantastic--I got to go to the wind tunnel and go indoor skydiving, so mine was pretty much the best ever--I would have obsessively stayed there all day if I could have. We miss you, and can't wait to see you near Christmas!


Anonymous said...

today I used excessive force to gain control of ECCF Team 6. I ruled with an iron fist and a callused heart, next stop...World Domination!!!

And now, a prose:
outside was cold
but now im in from the rain.
shaking off flees
from my dingy wet mane.
dont fear the bark
when its the bite that hurts.
dont look now
hound finished first.
a word to the wise
if you so choose.
before you stick your foot in
you better check your shoes.
hound back on top
thats where hes gonna stay.
advanced ninja mode
on top of the game.


Anonymous said...

H. I don't think there's any CF blog on the web that has an official poet. I'm much impressed with the prose and look forward to future pontification.

TomJon, thanks for the heads up on CF Balboa and tell Andrea its not true that your issued special powers at Camp Mackall. Awesome work on the "capped off" WOD.

The wife and I had an awesome T-day and the 4 days flew by. She even got me to help her install a new toliet that capacity to handle the most serious paleo dieter.
Wabbitt its looking pretty good that I should be home for Christmas, so practice those double unders. But how is it possible that you cannot do double unders, but can stabilize in a wind tunnel?