Sunday, March 21, 2010

22 March 2010
Strength Work
We will continue following the 5,3,1 protocol over the next 4 weeks. Use 90% of your 1RM to calculate your % or add 5lbs to the weight you used over the last 4 weeks.
Power Clean
1x5 @ 40%
1x5 @ 50%
1x3 @ 60%
75% x 5 reps
80% x 5 reps
85% x 5 or more reps
Back Squat
1x5 @ 40%
1x5 @ 50%
1x3 @ 60%
75% x 5 reps
80% x 5 reps
85% x 5 or more reps

5 Rounds
200 meter run
15 Squat thrust/down and ups (burpees without the jump and push up)

KKT Only (if you don't know what KKT is then just ignore the rest of this post)
Row 250 meters
5 Rope climbs
10 walk outs to the push up position (hold position for 10 seconds)
Air Squats x 15

3 Rounds for time
Row 300 meters
15 x down and ups


Anonymous said...

Power Clean: 170 x 10
Back Squat: 235 x 10
Legs still smoked from the front squat WOD.
WOD: 8:07

Anonymous said...


I don't do it often, but it's time for a little trash talk. Today, a victory was scored for the young and stupid (myself strongly included in that group). I noticed a WOD from last Wednesday that looked fun and exciting, the 5 rds of 3 deadlifts at 275# and 25 box jumps. I said to myself "I'll do it, but the weight looks a little light." So I upped it to 315# and went at it after my front squats today. I cranked it out in 5:58, and I rushed home to see if I beat your time. And, reference the victory statement, I did by a few seconds. Trash talk complete.


Anonymous said...

Yess, smoked legs for sure :)
Power Clean: 140 x 5
Back Squat: 165 x 6
WOD: 9:33

makutdaf said...

Sorry about the legs Jenn, that was some piss poor planning on my part.
GNC, That's a pretty good time, I actually thought about changing it to 5 reps or pushing it up to 315, so maybe we'll see something like that in a few weeks. Thanks for the feedback you are welcome to talk trash anytime.MP