Friday, July 10, 2009

11 July 09
Less talk more work Warm-up
3 rounds
10 knee to elbows
10 sit-ups
10 back extensions
No rest between movements or rounds

Bench Press or Weighted Dips(All the percentages should be based upon 90% of your max.)
1x5 @ 40%
1x5 @ 50%
1x3 @ 60%
80% x 3 reps
85% x 3 reps
90% x 3 or more reps

For time:
50 Knee to chest jumps
50 KB Swings 50 lbs men/35lbs women
50 Push-ups

40Knee to chest jumps
40 KB Swings 50 lbs men/35lbs women
40 Push-ups

30 Knee to chest jumps
30 KB Swings 50 lbs men/35lbs women
30 Push-ups

20 Knee to chest jumps
20 KB Swings 50 lbs men/35lbs women
20 Push-ups

10 Knee to chest jumps
10 KB Swings 50 lbs men/35lbs women
10 Push-ups

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weighted Dips: 40lbs x 18
WOD: 14:15