Thursday, December 18, 2008

19 Dec 08
"Test Day"
400 meter run for time
rest 2-3 minutes
100 pull-ups for time (do not exceed 5 minutes, once you hit the 5 minute mark stop and record number of reps)
rest 2-3 minutes
100 ab mat sit-ups for time (do not exceed 5 minutes, once you hit the 5 minute mark stop and record number of reps)
rest 2-3 minutes
500 meter row for time
rest 2-3 minutes
100 push-ups (do not exceed 5 minutes, once you hit the 5 minute mark stop and record number of reps)
See you guys next week and have great weekend.MP


Anonymous said...

You are CRAZY!!!!!
Love it!
C U next week.

Anonymous said...

This was fun! I did the run in 1:35, got 84 pull ups (that part was harder than we thought, coming off the run, even with the 2 minutes in between), did all 100 sit ups in 3:51, managed a 2:04 on the row (I hate being a slow rower!) and got 65 push ups (and I really hate being terrible at push ups--this was truly the best I could manage--my arms still hurt!) We had a really good time with this one, though, and it was great to see you yesterday!


Anonymous said...

What it is Mike. This one was great fun, even though it hurt a little. My times were as follows:
RUN: 1:16 (YEA!!!)
PULL UP: 71 (booo!!!)
SIT UP: 4:12
ROW: 1:50
Not bad, but still lots of room for improvment. So, did I beat Wabbit? We'll go with yes.

Great to see you yesterday, hope to see you again next week. Have a splendid trip. And dont forget to check out this site, Cindy and I think they look pretty inovative, but I want your prfessional opinion before I invest.

A good weekend to all.


Anonymous said...

Mike -- Welcome back to civilization!!!
So last night was my first day back in 5 days, I had a horrible sinus infection. You know I was right about to take my week off, I had been going for four months and had not been sick or injured once. I thought I could push it one more week -- in that week I managed to tweak my knee, pull my chesticle, and then to top it off I ended out with 5 rounds of 10 sinus infection headaches and 10 feel like craps (those are technical exercises, new to crossfit!).
But I think I managed to make more progress in 4 months than I had in the previous year. I did 4 weeks of a starting strength mutation recently, and then the last 2 weeks have been heavy WODs with some strength work thrown in.
Yesterday I started back in with 5 sets of 2 Thrusters at 185 across. In between I worked in my snatch work. I was watching a video of Josh Everett training and he was split snatching. I had never seen that before but it made sense to me as it limits the amount of relative shoulder flexibility (my weakness/injury) due to the upright torso angle. So yesterday using the split snatch I did 5 sets of high hang snatch, mid hang snatch, snatch, and overhead squat. I worked up to 115 and it felt great. So I threw on 135 and did 2 without any problem. That was the easiest PR I have ever done! I am pretty excited about finding the split snatch because I was getting frustrated with not being able to get over 115 with a squat snatch. It would be great to get together with you to work on developing it.
Today I came back and tried todays WOD. I was thinking it would be a nice body weight focus day a good recovery/light day. Yeah I got smoked like cheap crack. We did it as a timed WOD with exactly 2 minutes after each exercise and then you had to start your next set and had 5 minutes to do it. Looking back I'm not sure if that was your intention, but it was fun.
Sorry for the long post, I have been stacked with language and haven't had time to chat in a while.

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys enjoyed the WOD, we'll have to do it again in a few months to see if we are making any progress. I have to admit I was pretty impressed with both the Wabbitt and the Hound, we'll have to devise a point system to determine a winner. For now, I'll just let you guys argue about it. Joe I have never used the Kettlestack before, but I did check out some reviews and they were positive. I'm not sure how it would treat your foreman with snatchs, but I did find anybody complaining about it. It would probably be a great tool to have around the house especially if you have to miss a workout or you are traveling. I found a great place for used equipment yesterday and I'll make a post about it in the near future.
Thomas, that is a serious split snatch and I believe Josh told me he went to the split because of shoulder problems. By the way, they are blast to do with dumbbells and there many variations. I should be in the Gym wednesday, if you get a chance drop in. See you guys next week. MP

Anonymous said...

Yes, we need a point system. I'm not buying this "Hound is the winner" thing at all. I did more pull ups and finished my sit ups earlier! Plus, I'm a stupid girl and can't row as fast as the boys. I pretty much hate it. And even if Hound were to be crowned the (very barely, almost nonexistent) winner, it would be okay, because soon enough I would resume my reign of terror and crush him.
