Tuesday, December 2, 2008

03 Dec 08
"This is gonna hurt"
5 rounds
1 minute each round Squat thrust
1 minute each round Wall-ball
1 minute each round KBell swings (53lbs men/35lbs women)

1 minute rest between rounds
Score=total reps

Squat thrust is simply a burpee with no push-up, no jump, and no clapping of the hands overhead. In others words, get down in the push-up position and get up as fast as you can.


Anonymous said...

Mike, you were right, this one did hurt. Espically the 53# kb swings, my back was almost as bad as the deadlift wod. Not to mention I seemed to be in a sort of funk today, not to motivated. I scored 285 which is about 40 pts higher than my last F.G.B. total. Still striving for the coveted 300 pt mark. Becca must have been too beaten and battered from the evil power clean bar to make it in.Hope nothing's broken Bec.

Mike I have a special request. Sometimes in the near future when you're scheduling our WoD, it would be cool to find my box jump max height. Plus there's the added bonus of seeing Beca end up on the floor in some disfunctional, contorted position, while GNC grimaces in the distance thinking of his dwindling reputation as a trainer. So if you work that in it would be awesome.
Thanks Mike.


Anonymous said...

You people are about to give me a complex! Geez! I'm good at some things--like pull ups--very good at those. And GHD situps. And....
