Wednesday, December 10, 2008

11 Dec 08
5K Run or Row


Anonymous said...

WOW! I was gasping for air and dripping with sweat after this one.
After spending 20min in the 118 degree steam room that is. As for my workout, if I can even call it that. GNC coached me through some snatch drills and showed me some excellent rehab exercises for my gimpy shoulder. I almost thought about breaking a sweat.

I know one thing for certain,after all this slacking off, Im going to regret next week, FOR REALS!


Anonymous said...

While Hound has been off licking his wounds, I have been very busy learning to do squat and power cleans like less of a retard, working on my butterfly kip (which I almost have nailed down!), and today, doing the GNC Special. The latter consisted of 3 rounds of 21, 15, and 9 reps of pull ups, kettlebell swings at 35#, and handstand pushups. I used the little blue bands for the HSPU, and I finished in 7:07. We then worked on my dips (read that, future muscle up training!). I managed to make a fool of myself once again during the HSPU, as I kicked my feet completely over, into a full on backbend. At this point, there was no option other than to climb my feet back up the wall until I reached handstand position again. GNC is threatening to bring a camera to class from now on, in order to fully capture the essence of all of my special, special moments. Can't we do some kind of workout that involves flipping over, or falling down, or dropping weights on one's head? I'd be a rockstar ninja at that...Hound, sorry I missed you this morning--I slept in and hit the 7 a.m. class! Hope you feel better--GNC says you're still kind of down and out.

Anonymous said...

oh, and that last was from Wabbitt, but I'm guessing all the talk of flipping over and falling down was kind of a dead giveaway...
