Tuesday, October 28, 2008

29 Oct 08

3 rounds
1 minute each movement and 1 minute rest between rounds

Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps)
Row: calories (Calories)


Anonymous said...

Hound and I had an out and out race together this morning--I scored a 266, which is a big improvement over the last FGB I did, which was when I first started, and I did it with just the bar for the presses and a 25# kettlebell for the sumos--I scored 208 then, and today I did full girl weight! I only nearly fell down once, and that was on tire jump, and I managed all my wallballs without mishap. It was much better than Fran yesterday (about which I am still very ashamed!) Hope all is well! Oh, and Space Monkey came today and was a freak show and scored a 332. He should have to do his FGB with the weighted vest next time.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you about the Space Monkey, but he would probably score the same. After all, he is the Space Monkey. That is an awesome improvement, you are comming dangerously close to being a Studette.

Anonymous said...

hey i suffered through this workout..yuck! I finished with a score of 252, guess that isn't too bad, could be a lot better but without you here to motivate me...well, we know how i can be..lol