Sunday, August 30, 2009

31 August 09
1x5 @ 40%
1x5 @ 50%
1x3 @ 60%
80% x 3 reps
85% x 3 reps
90% x 3 or more reps

For time:
Wall-ball 20 lb men/14 lb women

20 Pullups
1 Wallball

19 Pullups
2 Wallball

18 Pullups
3 Wallball

17 Pullups
4 Wallball

16 Pullups
5 Wallball

15 Pullup
6 Wallball

14 Pullup
7 Wallball

13 Pullup
8 Wallball

12 Pullup
9 Wallball

11 Pullup
10 Wallball

10 Pullup
11 Wallball

9 Pullup
12 Wallball

8 Pullup
13 Wallball

7 Pullup
14 Wallball

6 Pullup
15 Walllball

5 Pullup
16 Wallball

4 Pullup
17 Wallball

3 Pullup
18 Wallball

2 Pullup
19 Wallball

1 Pullup
20 Wallball

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching.


Anonymous said...

Thanks it.

Anonymous said...

Katie...are you crazy? :)
MP, really nice to finally meet you...and thanks for working out with me. It was nice to have some company.
DL - 175 X 3
WOD - 35:?? (at this point, i didn't really pay attention to the time, just that i was DONE!)

Anonymous said...

Deadlift: 300 x 10
WOD 25:05

Linds is was nice meeting you too, tell RB hello for me.MP

Anonymous said...

Awesome if only my hands would agree!

Anonymous said...

I know my hands....I'm such a baby when they split open. At least now I have an excuse to not do dishes.


Anonymous said...

Katie, don't even talk about doing the dishes!!! Ouch!!!

Anonymous said...

Hound, I'm going to try to make it next

Mac said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the feedback, I can never guarantee creativity and I never purposely design a WOD for a “Gut Check”. The workout was designed with the intent of someone being capable of completing it in roughly 20 to 25 minutes, and under the following criteria: engage the work capacity of the glycoltic and oxidative pathways, and challenge and further develop 9 (cardiovascular, stamina, strength, power, speed, flexibility, coordination, balance and accuracy) of the 10 physical skills a well conditioned athlete will possess. When I design a WOD these are the things I consider, certainly not perfect, but it generally produces an effective workout. I agree with you that WODs designed simply to break someone down is pointless and if someone cherry picks one of the WODs from this site or jumps in occasionally because the WOD looks interesting they are probably going to have an unpleasant experience. The WODs are not designed in a vacuum; the work completed the day prior and the day following the WOD is considered in the daily prescription. Finally you are right; you don’t pay to receive “Gut Checks” and I do my best to ensure I put some thought into each daily prescription. Recommendations and critiques are always welcome, so if you have some, send it. MP

Mac said...
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Mac said...
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