Thursday, August 20, 2009

21 August 09
3 rounds 10-15 reps
Overhead squat
Back extension

Last Day of "Girls Gone Wild"
For Time:
5 Round
Run 400 meters
30 box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching.


LTT said...

What?! No Nasty Girls? No Eva??? A little Elizabeth? We can't go out like that!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for not giving us Eva it only took me 63min and some to do and that was not RX'd.


Anonymous said...

WOD: 24:30 MP

LTT said...

MP -
I think I took you. Finally.
23:54 - in Vibram 5 Fingers (this is to counter your claim that you were actually carrying one of your kids on your back like a family of koalas and that is why I beat you!)
As far as Grant goes, I think 2LTs should not be encouraged with WOD's that strategically take advantage of their light body weight and extra sprinting muscles in their legs!!! I HAD HELEN IN THE BOAT AND WAS ROWING BACK WHEN GRANT CAME, SANK MY SHIP, SHIT ON MY HEAD, AND TOOK HELEN BACK TO TROY!!!!
Awww well...I guess that is why Crossfit is so addictive.
Any one see my cup of kool aid?

Anonymous said...

Good week Mike...are you going to do test weeks every four weeks or every eight or not really part of plan???
Since Friday was so much lower body sat morning WOD was 5rds
5 Manmakers/10 DB Cleans/15 DB Push press and 20 KB swings...i gave people weight of choice to see how they would pick. Everyone did awesome today!!! Love the Sat. Crew.
I DID NOT miss this NC heat!!!