Monday, February 24, 2014

Swing and hop

Matt, The video provides a demonstration for the challenge.

Pyramid from 1-20 in less than 20 minutes with the following two exercises (demonstrated in the video).
Russian KB swing
Nuri Hop (Nuri is one my bootcampers and she actually completed the workout to standard)

Pyramid sequence should look like this

1 swing and 1 hop then, 2 swings and 2 hops then, 3 swings and 3 hops, continue the sequence to 20.

For those wondering what the video is referencing, I challenged my friend Matt with this workout and if he completes it within the time standard with a 35lb KB I will buy him a 53lb KB.  Matt has been training with KBs for about a month and is making incredible progress with both his fitness and his health.  You can follow his progress at  and you will be amazed at what he is doing with his self-discipline and how it is enabling him to follow a very paleo diet with a daily dose of intermittent fasting.  Best of luck Matt, I'm sure you will accomplish this challenge in the near future.

1 comment:

makutdaf said...

Finished in 18:45 with a 53lb KB
Weight: 163.5
Fasted: 22 hours
French: 30 minutes
Cold shower
30/30 squat challenge
Read: 2 hours
Wrote: 7 hours