Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Distraction Strategies or what to do when you are starving to death!

Taking Charge of ones life.......
I posted a couple days ago that I would talk about distraction strategies for fasting, but this could also be applied to eating habits in general.

There is nothing real original here and really this should be used as just guide of how to develop your own rules and distractors.

First:  Rid your house of all temptation and if your like a little squirrel I know that's currently masquerading as my wife, that would include your vehicle.

Second:  Keep multiple zero calorie options available to put in your cake hole whenever you need to keep yourself from eating.  My favorites are gum, water, coffee, and sometimes I use zero calorie flavored carbonated water.  In the past I drank diet pepsi like it was going out of style, but I finally weened myself off of them.  At the end of the day you will just have to test different options, but the key is to have numerous options and always have them available.

Third and last:  Create your own go to hell rules and treat these rules as sacred.  For instance, I recently started noticing my weight creep up towards 165 and could not put my finger on the cause.  Finally, I realized that I can't eat a sweet potato every day and so I came up with a rule. I'm only allowed a sweet
potato if my weight is below 160 lbs.

Usually people want distractors or techniques that will totally eliminate any form of discomfort and I've only found one that truly works.  Learn to like discomfort.  It's weird, but somehow I reached this point a number of years ago and I actually prefer the feeling of hunger to the feeling one gets from a full stomach.  Weird I know, but that's why the family keeps me in the attic.

1 comment:

makutdaf said...

WOD Today

5 x 1000 meter row/10 x Clean pulls with two 70lb KBs

Weight: 160.5
Fasted: 20 hours
Read: 5 hours
Wrote: 5 hours
French: 30 minutes
Cold Shower
Complete Day 2 of 30 minute squat challenge