Thursday, July 1, 2010

02 July 10
Power Snatch
3 sets of 1 rep at 90% of your heaviest weight used on Monday

Run 1 mile easy pace
3 x 20 sec work x 40 sec rest (10mph)

6 x 60 sec @ 10mph 2 min rest between each set

Run 1 mile easy pace

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hound, I would recommend doing the same amount with each leg. I think with some consitent work you will get them both to the same level. You may want to ask your A&P professors about sympathetic neural responses from one limb to another. I don't mean sympathetic as in sympathetic nervous system, but there is some relationship between limbs or sides of the body. I have heard PTs say that if you work one side of the body it somehow benefits the other side. This is somehow accomplished by the neural system. I have this theory for a long time but have never seen any studies. BTW "The Hound" looks absurdly painful.