Saturday, August 22, 2009

Just a quick note for the weekend. From the comments it appears most of you had a good week of training and enjoyed the challenge of back to back "Girls". We'll get back on track with our strength program next week and give the "Hero's" a go in week 4 of the next strength cycle. I like the challenge of the strength training and I certainly think it's a critical component to improving your overall conditioning. It is time consuming though, and you will have to be moving with a purpose to get out of the gym in less than an hour. Personally, I don't mind the extra time spent in the gym, it has become the only thing physically hard I do anymore. 40 years ago I couldn't wait to get up in the morning and race my brothers to school on our bikes, pick a fight with somebody to big for me to whoop, and then hope beyond hope that Coach Stew didn't have too much to drink the night before. If he made it to work early he would hand out the kick balls and the Perry boys lived for throwing kick balls at the slow kids. Yes we were little jack-asses, but something in our genetic make-up made us have to compete at everything from checkers to who could mow the yard the fastest. I still have really hard time passing a tall tree and wondering how long it would take me to get to the top. And yes my wife is a Saint, imagine having to put up with somebody who makes a sport out of everything. Have great weekend and Hound stay out of the trees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No worries. My feet are firmly on the ground.
