Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tender Feet,

Animals whose hoofs are hardened on rough ground can travel any road...Seneca

We talk a pretty good game, but most of us don't really prepare for the worst.  We think we are going to live forever and we'll never lose the ones we love.  I guess its just human nature to not want to think about the less pleasant experiences in life.  Our desire for ease and comfort never ceases to amaze me.  Tonight, my old dog Whiskey Pete reminded me what it means to be hard.  He decided that he needed to get out and visit the neighbors tonight and chose to ignore the freezing rain and 7 inches of snow.  Pete's the most independent being I know and he is definitely not a fair weather neighbor.  He was convinced Ms Donna wanted to see him and the weather could go f*#k it self.  Of course his moma would have none of that, so I had to go out and bring him back home.  The little adventure made me think of something I read by Seneca from his Letter 51.  The irony of this letter is that Seneca was as rich as Bill Gates, but was always writing about ways to toughen his soul to withstand the fickle vicissitudes of fate.      
9.I have set freedom before my eyes; and I am striving for that reward. And what is freedom, you ask? It means not being a slave to any circumstance, to any constraint, to any chance; it means compelling Fortune to enter the lists on equal terms. And on the day when I know that I have the upper hand, her power will be naught. When I have death in my own control, shall I take orders from her?
10 Therefore, a man occupied with such reflections should choose an austere and pure dwelling-place. The spirit is weakened by surroundings that are too pleasant, and without a doubt one's place of residence can contribute towards impairing its vigour. Animals whose hoofs are hardened on rough ground can travel any road; but when they are fattened on soft marshy meadows their hoofs are soon worn out. The bravest soldier comes from rock-ribbed regions; but the town-bred and the home-bred are sluggish in action. The hand which turns from the plough to the sword never objects to toil; but your sleek and well-dressed dandy quails at the first cloud of dust.
11 Being trained in a rugged country strengthens the character and fits it for great undertakings.

Pete and Me from 8 years ago, if you look closely he's trying to break free.  The boy hates to be told what to do and I have no idea where he learned that from.

WOD today
3 rounds of 
KB Squats with 2 x 70 KBs  x 5 reps
5 rounds
KB Cleans with 2 x 70 KB x 5 reps

10 presses with 35lb KB x 3 sets x 10 reps

Then 10 Rounds
30 seconds Airdyne at 80 watts
10 pullups
30 second rest


makutdaf said...

Fasted: Half way through a 48 hour fast
Weight: 165
Cold Shower
French 30 minutes
Read: 4 hours
Wrote: 2 hours
30/30 Squat

theundisciplinedsavage said...

1) 5X2 Clean from blocks (just above knee) + 1 Jerk – work to a max, rest 90 sec.

EMOM for 7 minutes:

6/4 Muscle-Ups followed by – 1 ME UB set of Double-Unders (if miss occurs before 10 reps behind DU again)

5x500m Row
Rest 1:1

theundisciplinedsavage said...


1) 15:00 AMRAP of:

500M Row
25 Wall Balls 20/14#

*Try to maintain steady smooth pace, do not redline. Rest after until HR drops below 110bpm.

2) 5 rounds of:

5 Snatches (95/105/115/115/115)#
10 Burpees
15 Box Jumps 24/20″

Rest 1:1

makutdaf said...

13 Feb 2014
KB swings 55 each arm
10 rounds
10 KB swings each arm
10 diamond pushups

Fast: 48 hours
Weight: 160.5
Cold Shower
French: 30 min
Read: 3 hours
Wrote: 3 hours
30/30 squat challenge

theundisciplinedsavage said...

makutdaf: Are you around for a call sometime? Just tell me a good time and I will try to make it work.

WOD: Friday
5x3 Squat Clean Thrusters @ 155

Back Squat: 1x5 @ 185 3x3 @ 225
Jumping Back Squat: 10 @ 135

Row 1K
20 Deadlifts @ 225
30 Thrusters @ 35lb DB
20 DL @ 225
Row 1k

Chinese: 30 mins

theundisciplinedsavage said...

makutdaf: Are you around for a call sometime? Just tell me a good time and I will try to make it work.

WOD: Friday
5x3 Squat Clean Thrusters @ 155

Back Squat: 1x5 @ 185 3x3 @ 225
Jumping Back Squat: 10 @ 135

Row 1K
20 Deadlifts @ 225
30 Thrusters @ 35lb DB
20 DL @ 225
Row 1k

Chinese: 30 mins

theundisciplinedsavage said...

What's the 30/30 Squat Challenge?

makutdaf said...

TT, I sent a message to your email.